American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)

Above and below: An American Crow in Frederick Co., Maryland (1/5/2008).

Below: An American Crow on the beach at Malibu Lagoon, California (9/30/2011).

An American Crow on the beach at Malibu Lagoon, California (9/30/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A recently fledged American Crow (right) with doting parent in Charles Co., Maryland (6/17/2006).

Below: Definitely an American Crow...

Definitely an American Crow... Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An American Crow at Southwest Area Park, Baltimore County, Maryland (1/21/2005).

The American Crow is one of the most widespread and familiar birds in North America. It is also one of the most intelligent and adaptable. American Crows are year-round residents over much of the U.S., with some populations summering and nesting throughout much of Canada. This species has declined drastically in some parts of its range due to the effects of the West Nile Virus. Top photo shows a recently fledged American Crow (right) with doting parent in Charles Co., Maryland (6/17/2006). Second photo taken at Southwest Area Park, Baltimore County, Maryland (1/21/2005).

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