Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
Above and below two: A Bobolink on Sorghum, practically this species' host plant, in Prince George's Co., Maryland (9/20/2008).
Below two: Male Bobolinks singing on territory in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/22/2009).
Below: I could have lightened this photo up a bit, but I like the sharp profile study. (Answer in next photo.)
Below: A Bobolink in preferred grassland habitat in southern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/13/2009).
Below two: Molting male in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/13/2006).
Below: A male Bobolink forages on the roadside in southwestern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/15/2008).
Below two: Several members of a large Bobolink flock in a Dorchester Co., Maryland (8/26/2007).
Below: A female Bobolink in flight in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011).
Below: A male Bobolink displaying over a prime field in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011).