Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

Canada Geese in flight while kayaking near Fort Smallwood, Maryland (4/4/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: Canada Geese in flight while kayaking near Fort Smallwood, Maryland (4/4/2010).

Canada Geese in flight while kayaking near Fort Smallwood, Maryland (4/4/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Canada Geese in flight while kayaking near Fort Smallwood, Maryland (4/4/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Prime real estate is contested by local Canada Geese (Fort Smallwood, 4/14/2012).

Below: Canada Goose nest with five eggs at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/8/2012).

Below: Five Canada Goose goslings already fledged at Fort Smallwood Park, Maryland (4/15/2012).

Below: Partially leucistic Canada Goose in northwestern Harford Co., Maryland (3/5/2006).

Below: A Canada Goose gosling braves a monumental leap to follow its parents, Pasadena area, Maryland (5/16/2007). Weeeeeeeee!

Below: "Teenager" Canada Geese in Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/9/2006).

Below: A Greenland Greater White-fronted Goose playing 'Where's Waldo?' amidst a flock of Canada Geese in Frederick Co., Maryland (11/18/2007).

Comments:  This large goose is a familiar sight throughout North America. Pairs mate for life, and like most other geese, family units stay together through the winter. They are dabblers and grazers, feeding primarily on aquatic and terrestrial plants. The distinctive V-formation in which they fly helps the migrating birds conserve energy. Size and appearance vary considerably over its range.

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