Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)

Above: One of the hundreds of migrant Ruddy Turnstones seen this day along Delaware Bay (5/20/2006).

Below: A Ruddy Turnstone at the Ocean City Inlet (12/17/2006).

Below: A Ruddy Turnstone wanders the Ocean City inlet parking lot to stay out of the roughest wind (11/2/2008).

Below: Displaying namesake feeding behavior.

Below: Ruddy Turnstones and Purple Sandpiper in flight at the Indian River Inlet, Delaware (1/27/2007).

Below: A Ruddy Turnstone forages at sunset in Ocean City, Maryland (11/11/2010).

A Ruddy Turnstone forages at sunset in Ocean City, Maryland (11/11/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A juvenile Ruddy Turnstone at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/5/2011).

A juvenile Ruddy Turnstone at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A reminder to scan all flocks! Two county rarities make this flock of starlings a lot more interesting. The juvenile Buff-breasted Sandpiper is a fourth county record for Charles. The Ruddy Turnstone is also one of few records here. Spotted by my friends Ron Gutberlet and John Hubbell while we scanned a plowed field. Click for larger version.

A reminder to scan all flocks! Two county rarities make this flock of starlings a lot more interesting. The juvenile Buff-breasted Sandpiper is a fourth county record for Charles. The Ruddy Turnstone is also one of few records here. Spotted by my friends Ron Gutberlet and John Hubbell while we scanned a plowed field. Click for larger version. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Comments:  Second photo taken at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (2/24/2006). Third and fourth two photos taken on Assateague Island's ORV zone, Maryland (6/5/2005). Fifth photo taken in southern California in spring of 2004 (included in this section to show behavior).

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