Barred Owl (Strix varia)
Above and below: A Barred Owl greets Jim Stasz & Company in a cypress swamp in Somerset Co., Maryland (5/11/2009).
Below: A Barred Owl along a stream in Frederick Co., Maryland (9/14/2008).
Below: A Barred Owl human-watching near the Nassawango River in Wicomico Co., Maryland (10/14/2007).
Below two: A pair of Barred Owls in northern Kent Co., Maryland (9/22/2007).
Below: A Barred Owl perches atop a telephone pole at sunset in Prince George's Co., Maryland (1/1/2009).
Below: Barred Owl along the White River in Arkansas (4/2006). During a dawn-to-dusk hike in this area, one was likely to see and hear up to 20 of these beautiful owls.
Listen to audio by Nathan Pieplow