Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
Above and below three: A Brown Thrasher in West Ocean City, Worcester Co., Maryland (11/11/2006).
Brown Thrasher at Pickering Creek Audubon Sanctuary, Maryland (3/4/2012)
Below: A Brown Thrasher at Bayside on Assateague Island, Maryland (8/23/2009).
Below two: A Brown Thrasher at the Patuxent Research Refuge in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/13/2008).
Below three: A young Brown Thrasher learns the joy of dustbaths while its parents look on suspiciously - our yard in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/8/2007).
Below: A Brown Thrasher at dawn on Assateague Island (8/17/2009). Found this while looking for another photo and thought I'd post it. We had a Brown Thrasher successfully winter in our yard, and today he was singing from the top of one of our large oak trees.
Below: A Brown Thrasher sings from an exposed perch in eastern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/1/2008).
Below: Recently fledged young at Jekkyl Island, Georgia (5/2/2006).