Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii)

Above and below two: Two of three Cackling Geese on Back Creek, Cecil Co., Maryland (11/25/2007). Note the subtle white collar on the bird in the first two photos. Below photo shows a Cackling Goose with a Canada Goose.

Below: A Richardson's Goose (with Canada Geese) at Schoolhouse Pond in Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County, Maryland (12/31/2004).

Below: A Richardson's Goose (with Canada Goose) at North Branch, Allegany Co., Maryland (12/3/2006). Note the overall grayish wash, stubby bill, and small size. This shot was actually taken through a chain link fence and into the light, so pardon the weird exposure.

Below: A Richardson's Cackling Goose poses with a Canada Goose at Chesapeake Farms, Kent Co., Maryland (11/9/2007).
J.B. Churchill spotted this bird at 30 mph--nice work!

Below: Hey! Look, a baby one! A Richardson's Cackling Goose in flight over Swan Harbor, Harford Co., Maryland (2/3/2008).

Western U.S. birds

Below: Part of a large flock dominated by minima Cackling Geese, but perhaps containing several Aleutian (leucopareia) Cackling. (Note the white neck-rings in a few of the birds.) Check out Harry Krueger's "Cackling Goose -- Canada Goose Subspecies Identification Indicators" for more information on these subspecies. Photos taken at Nisqually NWR, southwest of Seattle (1/8/2006)

Below: A minima race Cackling Goose wintering at James Campbell NWR on O'ahu (2/8/2007).

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