Dickcissel (Spiza americana)

Above and below: A male Dickcissel in northern Frederick County, Maryland (5/27/2005).

Below two: A singing male Dickcissel in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (7/15/2007).

Listen to audio (Dorchester Co., Maryland, 7/3/2009)

Below: One of five Dickcissels singing along a road in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (6/18/2011).

One of five Dickcissels singing along a road in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (6/18/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

One of five Dickcissels singing along a road in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (6/18/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Habitat being used by Dickcissels on Sassafras Caldwell Road in northeastern Kent Co., Maryland (6/18/2011). This alfalfa field habitat is chosen less commonly in Maryland than the typical mixed field with perches of various heights. I had heard about its use, but had never actually seen it in Maryland until this day. Found by Jared and Zach Parks.

Habitat being used by Dickcissels on Sassafras Caldwell Road in northeastern Kent Co., Maryland (6/18/2011). This alfalfa field habitat is chosen less commonly in Maryland than the typical mixed field with perches of various heights. I had heard about its use, but had never actually seen it in Maryland until this day. Found by Jared and Zach Parks. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Habitat being used by Dickcissels on Sassafras Caldwell Road in northeastern Kent Co., Maryland (6/18/2011). This alfalfa field habitat is chosen less commonly in Maryland than the typical mixed field with perches of various heights. I had heard about its use, but had never actually seen it in Maryland until this day. Found by Jared and Zach Parks. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A singing male Dickcissel in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/25/2011). A great find by Dan Haas!

A singing male Dickcissel in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/25/2011). A great find by Dan Haas! Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A continuing male Dickcissel in Montgomery Co., Maryland (7/17/2011). Found by Clive Harris.

A continuing male Dickcissel in Montgomery Co., Maryland (7/17/2011). Found by Clive Harris. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A female Dickcissel in Calvert Co, Maryland (7/17/2011). Likely nesters found here by Joel Martin.

A female Dickcissel in Calvert Co, Maryland (7/17/2011). Likely nesters found here by Joel Martin.  Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: One of two male Dickcissels singing on territory at Beauvue Ponds, St. Mary's Co., Maryland (6/28/2009). This individual is missing many of his crown feathers.

Below: I spent a long vigil with Tom Feild and Ed Carlson hoping to refind the male Dickcissel found by Rob and Mike Ostrowski in Charles Co. During our second visit, the bird suddenly appeared and spent several minutes skulking around and chipping quietly. We realized it was waiting for us to leave before visiting its nest, so we moved on. I was lucky enough to land this photo of this tailless bird with a lunch of katydid.

I spent a long vigil with Tom Feild and Ed Carlson hoping to refind the male Dickcissel found by Rob and Mike Ostrowski in Charles Co. During our second visit, the bird suddenly appeared and spent several minutes skulking around and chipping quietly. We realized it was waiting for us to leave before visiting its nest, so we moved on. I was lucky enough to land this photo of this tailless bird with a lunch of katydid.  Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A continuing, cooperative Dickcissel at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011).

A continuing, cooperative Dickcissel at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A continuing, cooperative Dickcissel at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Dickcissel on Assateague Island, Maryland - the first I've actually seen perched on the island! (9/25/2009)

Dickcissel in Maryland

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