Dovekie (Alle alle)
Above and below two: While driving the off-road vehicle (ORV) zone on Assateague Island, Maryland, Jim Brighton spotted this Dovekie close to shore. This is a small member of the alcid family, the northern hemisphere's answer to penguins. It is smaller than a robin and is very rarely seen from shore. (1/17/2009)
Below: One of two Dovekies at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (1/2/2011).
Below: Most of our Dovekies were quick views as the birds flushed from near the boat (Maryland, 2/5/2011).
Below three: Photos taken in Maryland waters on a February 26 pelagic trip out of Lewes, Delaware. The boat total was an amazing nearly 600 Dovekies on the trip, some as close as 50' from the boat. Many of the plump little guys seemed too full to fly, as shown in the above photos.