Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythropthalmus)

A male Eastern Towhee on Assateague Island, Maryland (11/7/2009).

Above: A male Eastern Towhee on Assateague Island, Maryland (11/7/2009).
Below: A male Eastern Towhee at Soldier's Delight NEA, Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/23/2008).

Below: A female Eastern Towhee prepares to feast upon a pillbug she's found while foraging on the forest floor (Carroll Co., Maryland, 5/23/2008).

Below: Photographed at Schooley Mill Park, Howard Co., Maryland (11/4/2005).

Below: A female Eastern Towhee in West Ocean City, Maryland (11/11/2006).

Below: What the heck is that thing? A juvenile Eastern Towhee on Assateague Island, Maryland (8/23/2009).

Below two: Photographed in January 2005 in Carroll and Baltimore Counties, Maryland, respectively.

Below: A molting Eastern Towhee on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/2/2009). I believe this is a hatch-year male completing its first prebasic molt. Note the head pattern, new black feathers on the neck, and the soft corners of the gape indicative of a hatch-year bird.

A molting Eastern Towhee on Assateague Island, Maryland (10/2/2009).

Below: A male Eastern Towhee singing from the top of his favorite trees, Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011).

A male Eastern Towhee singing from the top of his favorite trees, Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A juvenile Eastern Towhee on Assateague Island, Maryland (8/21/2011).

A juvenile Eastern Towhee on Assateague Island, Maryland (8/21/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Comments:   This secretive sparrow is more often heard than seen, spending most of its time skulking in the underbrush. It is often first detected when it sings its distinctive song, which sounds like Drink your teeeea!, or calls a simple drink! It is also often detected by the rustle of dry leaves as it double-scratches the ground as it forages. The Eastern Towhee is a year-round resident throughout most of Maryland.

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