European Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus [phaeopus])

Above and below: Documentation photos of Maryland's first EUROPEAN WHIMBREL, photographed at the Tydings mudflats, Harford Co., Maryland (5/21/2006). Click any of the below images to view the full-size image. The top two photos show 20 Whimbrel--19 American and 1 European. The European Whimbrel may not be discernible in these first two images. The remaining four images show the diagnostic white rump of the European Whimbrel. This bird was co-discovered and documented by Jim Brighton, Mike Burchett, Matt Hafner, John Hubbell, Bill Hubick, Dave Powell, Jim Stasz, and Dave Ziolkowski. Good job to everyone on this excellent first state record, especially to John Hubbell and his sharp eyes! (Photographic note: I was shooting at 1680mm for the shots below!)

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