Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum)

Above and below three: Grasshopper Sparrows near Mathias Point, Charles Co., Maryland (6/18/2006).

Below: A Grasshopper Sparrow gives it 100% in St. Mary's Co., Maryland (5/3/2008).

Below three: A juvenile Grasshopper Sparrow in Wicomico Co., Maryland (7/13/2008). Note the streaked breast pattern.

Below: A late migrant Grasshopper Sparrow at Bayside on Assateague Island, Maryland (11/16/2008). Found by Jim Stasz, this is a very rare sighting for November and for the island. I never noticed until this close-up study how similar the species' nape pattern could be to Le Conte's Sparrow.

Below: Grasshoper Sparrows in Garrett and Allegany Counties, Maryland (6/13-14/2009).

Below: A migrant Grasshopper Sparrow along a wooded edge in Kent Co., Maryland (10/4/2008). Matt Hafner and I were discussing what a strange migrant this species is in our area. Their migration seems later than one would expect considering that they start becoming difficult to detect in late August and early September. They're rarely reported in Maryland as migrants, and when they are, they are almost always reports of single individuals. We settled on considering it a lack of coverage in preferred habitat during migration.

Below: A Grasshopper Sparrow on territory near Public Landing, Worcester Co., Maryland (6/26/2011).

A Grasshopper Sparrow on territory near Public Landing, Worcester Co., Maryland (6/26/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Grasshopper Sparrow in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/1/2014). Very rare in Maryland in winter. Found by George Arminstead during the Ocean City CBC (12/28/2013).

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