Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)

Above: A Killdeer on nest in Calvert Co., Maryland

Below: A Killdeer at Fort Smallwood, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (10/10/2008).

Listen to audio (Washington Co., Maryland, 10/3/2009)

Below: An adorable young Killdeer and guardian at Fort Smallwood Park, Maryland (5/29/2007).

Below: A recently-hatched Killdeer on Jekkyl Island, Georgia (5/2/2006).

Below: A Killdeer at Fort Smallwood, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (10/10/2008).

Below: My friend Mike and I came across a family of Killdeer on May 1st, 2005, and I was able to get the following photos of the adorable, tiny young.

Below: As I quickly photographed the young, one of the parents called a thin, high-pitched note. All of the young immediately froze, sitting down in the gravel and practically disappearing. The "hide" note, apparently.

Below: A Killdeer chose this building top for a nesting site at Fort Smallwood Park, Maryland (4/12/2012).

Below: The classic "broken wing" distraction display, designed to lead a threat away from the young by pretending to be an easy target. Hilariously, one of the young broke ranks and chased after its mom, peeping, as the parent led me away. Someone was almost certainly grounded over that.

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