Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)
Above and below: A Loggerhead Shrike hunts along a roadside in the Everglades. My friend Adam Kent watched one impale a Blue-headed Vireo before our trip south.
Below: A continuing Loggerhead Shrike in Washington Co., Maryland (1/2/2012). Now rare and declining in Maryland, this individual appears to be back for another winter in the same area. Found originally and then relocated this year by Jim Green. Thanks, Jim!
Below: Below: A Loggerhead Shrike found by Jim Green near Hagerstown, Maryland (8/8/2009). Although this is a distant shot, I wanted to include it here because it was the first I've photographed in Maryland.
Below: Photographed in southern Florida in February 2005.
Below: A Loggerhead Shrike near the Salton Sea, California (10/9/2011).
Similar species: Northern Shrike