Nelson's Sparrow (Ammodramus nelsoni)

Above and below: Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (probable nominate/nelsoni) in coastal Worcester County, Maryland (2/25/2006). Note black crown and well-defined flank streaks.

Below: An interior Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (probable nominate/nelsoni) in Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2006). Note strong white braces and well-defined flanks streaks.

Below four: Two Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows in Calvert Co., Maryland (5/4/2008), originally located by Tyler Bell and Stan Arnold. It was great to see them on the western shore. Below two: Probable (alterus) subspecies.

Below two: Probable James Bay subspecies (alterus). Note the somewhat blurry streaks on breast and faint white on mantle.

Below: A Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (probably James Bay/alterus) photographed in coastal Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005).

Thanks to Matt Hafner and Jim Stasz for insight into Nelson's Sparrow subspecies over the years. Be sure to check out Tom Johnson's excellent Comparison of Sharp-tailed Sparrows page.

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