Northern Pintail (Anas acuta)

Above and below: Northern Pintails at Gilbert Water Ranch, Arizona (1/6/2007).

Below: A pair of Northern Pintails at Bombay Hook NWR, Delaware (3/2/2008).

Below: A drake Northern Pintail at Blackwater NWR, Maryland (2006).

Below: A hen Northern Pintail at the Cape May Meadows, New Jersey (winter of 2005).

Below: A tipped-up drake Northern Pintail feeding at Blackwater NWR, Dorchester Co., Maryland (2/10/2008).

Below: A tipped-up hen Northern Pintail (right) feeding at Blackwater NWR, Dorchester Co., Maryland (2/10/2008). The bird on the left is a drake Northern Shoveler.

Below: A hen Northern Pintail at Swan Creek, Maryland (9/11/2011).

A hen Northern Pintail at Swan Creek, Maryland (9/11/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

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