Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)

Sandhill Cranes grudgingly move out of the way at Viera Wetlands. Note the variation in iris color between the three individuals. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: Sandhill Cranes grudgingly move out of the way at Viera Wetlands. Note the variation in iris color between the three individuals.

Sandhill Cranes grudgingly move out of the way at Viera Wetlands. Note the variation in iris color between the three individuals. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Sandhill Cranes grudgingly move out of the way at Viera Wetlands. Note the variation in iris color between the three individuals. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Sandhill Cranes grudgingly move out of the way at Viera Wetlands. Note the variation in iris color between the three individuals. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: The continuing Sandhill Crane in Carroll Co., Maryland (12/12/2010). Found by Sharon Schwemmer.

The continuing Sandhill Crane in Carroll Co., Maryland (12/12/2010). Found by Sharon Schwemmer. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Sandhill Crane at Okefenokee Swamp. This bird and its partner were already leading around at least one chick (5/6/2006).

Below: A Sandhill Crane at Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia (5/6/2006).

Below: Sandhills Cranes at Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area, Indiana, an important stopover point along the Sandhill Crane migration route (3/13/2005).

Below: Sandhill Cranes on nesting grounds at Gray's Lake NWR, Idaho (6/26/2005). Note chick on left side of bottom photo.

Below: A juvenile Sandhill Crane in Montgomery County, Maryland (11/28/2004).

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