Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)
Above and below: Sandhill Cranes grudgingly move out of the way at Viera Wetlands. Note the variation in iris color between the three individuals.
Below: The continuing Sandhill Crane in Carroll Co., Maryland (12/12/2010). Found by Sharon Schwemmer.
Below: A Sandhill Crane at Okefenokee Swamp. This bird and its partner were already leading around at least one chick (5/6/2006).
Below: A Sandhill Crane at Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia (5/6/2006).
Below: Sandhills Cranes at Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area, Indiana, an important stopover point along the Sandhill Crane migration route (3/13/2005).
Below: Sandhill Cranes on nesting grounds at Gray's Lake NWR, Idaho (6/26/2005). Note chick on left side of bottom photo.
Below: A juvenile Sandhill Crane in Montgomery County, Maryland (11/28/2004).