Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)

A late Snow Bunting in Somerset Co. (3/7/2010). A great find by Mike Walsh. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A late Snow Bunting in Somerset Co. (3/7/2010). A great find by Mike Walsh.

A late Snow Bunting in Somerset Co. (3/7/2010). A great find by Mike Walsh. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A late Snow Bunting in Somerset Co. (3/7/2010). A great find by Mike Walsh. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below two: This beautiful early arrival was photographed at Southwest Area Park in Baltimore Co., Maryland (10/26/2006).

Below: A Snow Bunting feeding along Triadelphia Reservoir, Montgomery Co., Maryland (12/15/2007).

Below: A Snow Bunting at the Assateague Island Causeway (11/11/2011).

A Snow Bunting at the Assateague Island Causeway (11/11/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Snow Bunting at the Assateague Island Causeway (11/11/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

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