Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis)

Above and below: A Western Kingbird in Hurlock, Dorchester Co., Maryland (1/1/2012). Rare at any time in Maryland, it is especially so as it continues into January. It was found on 12/25/11 by Levin Willey and Gordon Jennings. It's well-chosen location was producing abundant tiny insects during the unseasonably mild weather.

Below: A Western Kingbird in southern Arizona (8/8/2008).

Below: A Western Kingbird in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/1/2014). Found by Winger West during the Ocean City CBC (12/28/2013).

Below: A Western Kingbird at Fort McHenry National Monument, Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/11/2005). This was the fourth consecutive year that this patriotic bird returned to its favorite historic site. It was been recorded nesting and raising young with an Eastern Kingbird.

Below: A Western Kingbird in Somerset Co., Maryland (12/5/2008). We took only distant photos to ensure that it wasn't flushed before other birders could arrive.

Below: An adult Western Kingbird (left) with a youngster born this summer (in shadow). We were struck by how much the young birds could resemble Cassin's Kingbirds, especially in poor light (Nogales, 8/4/2008).

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