White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis)
Above: This White-rumped Sandpiper was an expected find among the great numbers of shorebirds at Delaware Bay (5/20/2006).
Second through fifth images taken on Hart-Miller Island, Maryland (5/28/2005).
Below: A White-rumped Sandpiper at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/5/2011).
Below: A Stilt Sandpiper (right) with White-rumped Sandpiper (left) in Wicomico Co., Maryland (9/10/2011).
Below: This White-rumped Sandpiper (right) was an unusual sight at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (10/22/2011).
A Semipalmated Sandpiper is feeding on its left.