Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens)

A Yellow-breasted Chat sings from high in a loblolly in the Nassawango area of Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). This is definitely among the most entertaining species to watch peform. With each minute spent observing, your certainty that this can't be a warbler increases. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A Yellow-breasted Chat sings from high in a loblolly in the Nassawango area of Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). This is definitely among the most entertaining species to watch peform. With each minute spent observing, your certainty that this can't be a warbler increases.

A Yellow-breasted Chat sings from high in a loblolly in the Nassawango area of Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). This is definitely among the most entertaining species to watch peform. With each minute spent observing, your certainty that this can't be a warbler increases. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Yellow-breasted Chat sings from high in a loblolly in the Nassawango area of Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). This is definitely among the most entertaining species to watch peform. With each minute spent observing, your certainty that this can't be a warbler increases. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Yellow-breasted Chat sings from high in a loblolly in the Nassawango area of Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). This is definitely among the most entertaining species to watch peform. With each minute spent observing, your certainty that this can't be a warbler increases. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Yellow-breasted Chat sings from high in a loblolly in the Nassawango area of Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). This is definitely among the most entertaining species to watch peform. With each minute spent observing, your certainty that this can't be a warbler increases. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Yellow-breasted Chat sings from high in a loblolly in the Nassawango area of Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011). This is definitely among the most entertaining species to watch peform. With each minute spent observing, your certainty that this can't be a warbler increases. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An amazing example of Yellow-breasted Chat mimicry--note the American Crow impersonations in this cut among its Green Heron and Wood Thrush imitations - Vaughn North, Maryland (5/14/2011). Other Sound Recordings

Below: A Yellow-breasted Chat in preferred scrubby habitat near Jennings-Randolph Reservoir, Maryland (6/12/2009).

Below: A Yellow-breasted Chat in western Washington Co., Maryland (6/3/2007).

Below: Photographed in the Curtis Bay area of Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/14/2005).

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