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Photos taken while exploring a bit of North Carolina, especially at Alligator River NWR, Croatan National Forest, and points along the Cape Fear River. Last updated: 6/25/2006

Above and below three: Northern Bobwhites (male above, female below) at Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below: A Squirrel Treefrog dining on the insects drawn to the light outside my hotel room in Wade, NC (6/25/2006).

Below: An Eastern Mud Turtle on a stroll near Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below: A Yellow Rat Snake near Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below: A Palamedes Swallowtail near Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below four: Young Red-tailed Hawks enjoying summer vacation at Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006). All teenagers are obsessed with their appearance.

Strike a pose.

Below: An Oak Toad - the smallest toad species in North America - at Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below: A Red Admiral at Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below: An Eastern Painted Turtle near Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below: A Red-bellied Turtle at Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below two: A young Prairie Warbler at Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below: A Least Skipper at Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006).

Below: A Horace's Duskywing at Croatan National Forest, NC (6/25/2006).

Below: This large, strongly marked male Blue Dasher was photographed at Alligator River NWR, NC (6/24/2006). It had me pretty confused for a while.

The Alligator River area was beautiful, but I became a bit concerned when I suddenly found myself near Dr. Evil's secret lair.

Deer flies were also pretty severe.

Below: Spotting a couple Black Bears at dusk was a real highlight at Alligator River (6/24/2006).

Below: A male Blue-tipped Dancer at Croatan National Forest, NC (6/25/2006).

Below: A Green Anole being sneaky at Croatan National Forest, NC (6/25/2006).

Below: Yellow-billed Cuckoo near the Cape Fear River in North Carolina (6/23/2006). I'm really excited about this shot, as cuckoos are notoriously difficult to even see well. The opportunity for this shot was a wonderful surprise.

Below two: Amanda's Pennant at Smith Swamp in North Carolina (6/22/2006).

Below five: Brown-headed Nuthatches (including newly fledged young) near the Cape Fear River in North Carolina (6/23/2006).

Below two: A Checkered Skipper near the Cape Fear River in North Carolina (6/23/2006).

Below: A male Orchard Oriole sings enthusiastically while holding a gift for his prospective partner. Photo taken near the Cape Fear River in North Carolina (6/23/2006).

Below: A male Eastern Pondhawk near the Cape Fear River in North Carolina (6/23/2006).

Below: A colony of Purple Martins works overtime to keep all the hungry mouths fed during the heat of the day. Photo taken near the Cape Fear River in North Carolina (6/23/2006).

Featured Conservation Project: The Junín Grebe

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