New Additions
May and early June in Maryland. Last updated: 6/15/2014.
Below: Maroon Carolina Milkvine in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Maroon Carolina Milkvine in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Maroon Carolina Milkvine in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Maroon Carolina Milkvine in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Dogbane Beetle on Indian Hemp at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A White-tailed Deer fawn at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Clasping Venus Looking-glass blooming in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/1/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Green Pug Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/31/2014). Verified by Roger Downer/BAMONA. (View MBP)
Below: A Carpenterworm Moth in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Bent-line Carpet Moth in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Larinus turbinatus on Canada Thistle at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). New species for Maryland Biodiversity Project. (View MBP)
Below: An Abbott's Sphinx in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Rove beetles in the genus Philonthus at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Salt Marsh Moth at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Salt Marsh Moth at Andelot Farm in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Salt Marsh Moth at Andelot Farm in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Southern Spreadwing at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Yellow-collared Slug Moth in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A comparison of Wood Leopard Moth (left) and Giant Leopard Moth (right) at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A comparison of Wood Leopard Moth (above) and Giant Leopard Moth (below) at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A comparison of Wood Leopard Moth (above) and Giant Leopard Moth (below) at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A comparison of Wood Leopard Moth (left) and Giant Leopard Moth (right) at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Wood Leopard Moth at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Wood Leopard Moth at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: An immense White Oak, over 18' in circumference, found at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). This large individual is probably what is known as a "wolf tree." It was probably left as shade for grazing cattle in an open pasture when this forest was last cleared. This explains both the great size, as well as the interesting shape. A tree in the open behaves much differently than a tree competing for sun in the forest. To maximize sun, it grows outward as much as upward, allowing its lower branches to capture more light. This of course requires structural reinforcement, which explains the extremely stout lower branches shown here. (View MBP)
Below: A Virginia Creeper Sphinx at Andelot Farm in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Tulip-tree Silkmoth at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Tulip-tree Silkmoth at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Fowler's Toad at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Red Milkweed Beetle on Common Milkweed at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Indian Hemp blooming at Andelot Farm, Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Japanese Stiltgrass in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Green-legged Grasshopper in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2006). (View MBP)
Below: Hairy Skullcap (leaves and stem) in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Hairy Skullcap blooming in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Common Persimmon blooming in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Poverty Rush in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Poverty Rush in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Bird Vetch blooming in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Flowering Dogwood in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Lyre-leaved Sage (past) in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Fringed Sedge in Kent Co., Maryland (6/7/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Drab Brown Wave Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/24/2014). Determined by Ken Childs/BAMONA. (View MBP)
Below: Heart-leaved Four o'clock blooming in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/28/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Heart-leaved Four o'clock blooming in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/28/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Heart-leaved Four o'clock blooming in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/28/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Ruddy Quaker Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/30/2014). Determined by Roger Downer/BAMONA. (View MBP)
Below: An Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/30/2014). Verified by Roger Downer/BAMONA. (View MBP)
Below: An American Idia Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/30/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/30/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Large Lace-bordered Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/30/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Drug Fumitory blooming in Calvert Co., Maryland (5/16/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Drug Fumitory blooming in Calvert Co., Maryland (5/16/2014). Determined by Wayne Longbottom. (View MBP)
Below: A False Honey Ant in Calvert Co., Maryland (5/16/2014). Determined by James Trager/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An One-spotted Variant Moth in Calvert Co., Maryland (5/17/2014). Determined by Roger Downer/BAMONA. (View MBP)
Below: A Spring Fishfly in Calvert Co., Maryland (5/17/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Annual Toadflax blooming in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/24/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Bristly Cutworm Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/24/2014). (View MBP)
Below: A Chestnut Carpenter Ant in Calvert Co., Maryland (5/16/2014). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Phoebe nest with young in Calvert Co., Maryland (5/16/2014). (View MBP)