New Additions

Hammond's Flycatcher at the NCR Trail in Baltimore Co., Maryland (11/27/2005)
This is the first record in Maryland since one was caught at a Worcester Co. banding station in 1963!

One of two Rough-legged Hawks spotted near Cranesville Swamp in Garrett Co., Maryland (11/24/2005)

Downy Woodpecker and White-breasted Nuthatch in southern Pennsylvania (11/26/2005)

A House Mouse in the leaves at a rest stop along I-70 in western Maryland.

Below: A few photos from Cromwell Valley Park and Loch Raven Reservoir, Baltimore Co., Maryland (11/20/2005)

Canada Goose

Dark-eyed "Slate-colored" Junco

Ring-necked Duck on Loch Raven Reservoir

White-tailed Deer

A couple Ruby-crowned Kinglet shots taken at Piscataway Park in Prince George's Co., Maryland (11/19/2005)

Long-billed Dowitcher (left) and Stilt Sandpiper (right) - Berlin WWTP, Worcester Co., Maryland (11/13/2005)

Note that due to its long legs, the Stilt Sandpiper is forced to "tip up" more than the dowitcher.

Below: A shot of just the Long-billed Dowitcher

Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow, probably alterus subspecies - Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005)

Sedge Wren - Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005)

Rusty Blackbird - Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005)

White-crowned Sparrow, Immature - Wicomico Co., Maryland (11/11/2005)

Hermit Thrush - Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005)

Turkey and Black Vulture in flight, respectively - Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005)

Spiderlings ballooning - Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005)

Here's an excerpt on one type of spiders : "Linyphiids are renowned for their propensity to provide gossamer-the strands and meshes of silk threads which festoon grasslands and shrubs at certain times of the year, chiefly warm still days in autumn. Both ballooning spiderlings and aeronautical older individuals are responsible for the trails of silk which glisten in the sky and later drape vegetation after the spiders have fallen to earth."

White-throated Sparrows - Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005)

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Immature - Piney Run Reservoir, Carroll Co., Maryland (11/6/2005)

Scenes from Saturday (11/12/2005)

Carolina Mosquitofern in Worcester Co., Maryland (11/12/2005).
My friend Jim Stasz introduced Mike Burchett and me to this botanical surprise: a tiny aquatic fern.

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