New Additions
Maryland Biodiversity Project. Last updated: 4/15/2018.
Below: A Whitelip collected in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Determined by Timothy Pearce, Carnegie Museum of Natural History. (View MBP)
Below: A Whitelip collected in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Determined by Timothy Pearce, Carnegie Museum of Natural History. (View MBP)
Below: A Broad-banded Forestsnail in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Specimen determined by Timothy Pearce, Carnegie Museum of Natural History. (View MBP)
Below: A Broad-banded Forestsnail in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Specimen determined by Timothy Pearce, Carnegie Museum of Natural History. (View MBP)
Below: Agromyza idaeiana leaf mines on Common Cinquefoil in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). Determined by Charley Eiseman/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Photinus species in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Capnochroa fuliginosa in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Capnochroa fuliginosa in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Capnochroa fuliginosa in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Nomada articulata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/7/2018). Determined by Sam Droege. (View MBP)
Below: A Nomada articulata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/7/2018). Determined by Sam Droege. (View MBP)
Below: A Nomada articulata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/7/2018). Determined by Sam Droege. (View MBP)
Below: Carpophilus melanopterus found on Yucca in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/7/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Nodding Plumeless Thistle in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Seepage Dancer habitat in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Small's Ragwort in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Green Milkweed in Baltimore Co., Maryland (6/10/2018). (View MBP)
Below: An Erioptera septemtrionis in Howard Co., Maryland (8/11/2017). Determined by John F. Carr/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A European Sowbug in Montgomery Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Common Rough Woodlouse in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/19/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Lasius alienus in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). Determined by James C. Trager/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Onion-stalk Lepiota found on mulch in Howard Co., Maryland (6/3/2018). Determined by Jo Solem. (View MBP)
Below: A Dark Ricefield Mosquito in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (9/15/2017). Determined by Josh Emm. (View MBP)
Below: A privet species blooming in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Bellamira scalaris in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/30/2018). Verified by Eric Chapman/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Cut-leaved Cranesbill in fruit in Howard Co., Maryland (5/29/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Rose Pogonia in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/26/2018). Verified by Jim Stasz. (View MBP)
Below: Rose Pogonia in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/26/2018). Verified by Jim Stasz. (View MBP)
Below: Northern Long Sedge in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/26/2018). Verified by Jim Stasz. (View MBP)
Below: A Neopristilophus aethiops in Montgomery Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Melanotus species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/25/2018). Determined to genus by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Royal Fern in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/26/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Clasping Milkweed in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/26/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Common Haircap Moss in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/26/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Northern Pitcherplant in Prince George's Co., Maryland (5/26/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Lucilia sericata/cuprina in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/25/2018). Determined by John F. Carr/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Nipponoserica peregrina in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/25/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/19/2018). Determined by Alan Jeon/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/19/2018). Determined by Alan Jeon/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/19/2018). Determined by Alan Jeon/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Northern Plantain Flea Beetle leaf mines on plantain in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). Verified by Charley Eiseman/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Northern Plantain Flea Beetle leaf mines on plantain in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). Verified by Charley Eiseman/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A False Honey Ant collected in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Temnothorax curvispinosus collected in Montgomery Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). Determined by Steven Wang/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Swollen Bladderwort in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Crimson Clover in Montgomery Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Large Whorled Pogonia in Montgomery Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Large Whorled Pogonia (stem) in Montgomery Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Norway Maple in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Spring Avens in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Skunk Cabbage in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: An Arion species in Baltimore Co., Maryland (5/20/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Chinkapin in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/19/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Trichotichnus autumnalis collected in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/13/2018). Determined by Curt Harden via microscopic examination of specimen. (View MBP)
Below: A Trichotichnus autumnalis collected in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/16/2018). Determined by Curt Harden/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Trichotichnus autumnalis collected in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/16/2018). Determined by Curt Harden/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Trachelipus rathkii in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/22/2018). Determined by Even Dankowicz/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Sergiolus capulatus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Sergiolus capulatus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Dark Hoplia in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2018). (View MBP)
Below: American Beech in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/28/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Chrysops upsilon collected in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/1/2015). Determined by Tony-2/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Chrysops upsilon collected in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/1/2015). Determined by Tony-2/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Wild Comfrey emerging in Baltimore Co., Maryland (4/22/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A House Finch nest with young in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/22/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A House Finch nest with young in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/22/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Plain Pocketbook in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Determined by Matt Ashton. (View MBP)
Below: Plain Pocketbook in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Determined by Matt Ashton. (View MBP)
Below: Foxtail Bog Clubmoss in Worcester Co., Maryland (9/2/2017). Identified by Dr. John Hall and Wes Knapp. (View MBP)
Below: An Ulva species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2018). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: An Ulva species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2018). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: Spring Beauty Rust on Virginia Springbeauty in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Common Chickweed in Frederick Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Stinging Nettle (above) and Poison Hemlock (below) in Frederick Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Carpenter's Square (persisting fruit) in Frederick Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Determined by Wayne Longbottom. (View MBP)
Below: False Mermaidweed in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Bristly Greenbrier in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Incised Fumewort blooming in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Incised Fumewort blooming in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Harbinger of Spring in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Harbinger of Spring in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Black Oak in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Northern White Cedar in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Northern White Cedar (trunk) in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Note Yellow-bellied Sapsucker drill wells. (View MBP)
Below: Broad-leaved Sedge in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Verified by Wayne Longbottom. (View MBP)
Below: American Bladdernut (winter fruit) in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Virginia Springbeauty with Springbeauty Rust in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Squirrel Corn (leaves) in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Two-leaved Miterwort in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Shootingstar in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Shootingstar (overall/habitat) in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Dwarf Larkspur in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Walking Fern in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Red Trillium in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Convergent Lady Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/16/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Early Meadow-rue in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Hoary Puccoon blooming on a rocky hillside in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Pine Gall Rust in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Twinleaf in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Twinleaf in Washington Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Fragrant Sumac in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: American False Pennyroyal (winter aspect) in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). Noted distinctive smell of crushed leaves. (View MBP)
Below: Appalachian Polypody (sori) in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Appalachian Polypody in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Early Saxifrage in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Maidenhair Spleenwort (sori) in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Maidenhair Spleenwort in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Mayapple ready to unfurl in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Bloodroot in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Smoky-eyed Boulder Lichen in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Clasp-leaved Pennycress in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Round-lobed Hepatica in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/15/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Prostephanus punctatus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Prostephanus punctatus in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: Asclera puncticollis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Asclera puncticollis in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Amara species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: An Amara species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/14/2018). Determined by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Contacyphon species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/13/2018). Verified by Blaine Mathison/BugGuide. (View MBP)
Below: A Lasius species in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/20/2017). (View MBP)
Below: A Eupithecia species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/13/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Bent-line Carpet Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/13/2018). (View MBP)
Below: An Anomala undulata in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/13/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Cottonwood (flowers) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/12/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Intermediate Woodfern in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/12/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Mustard-yellow Polypore in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/12/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Box Huckleberry in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/12/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Box Huckleberry in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/12/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Box Huckleberry in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/12/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Trypethelium virens on American Holly in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/12/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Italian Arum in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/12/2018). (View MBP)
Below: English/Irish Ivy covering nearly all trees at Truxton Park, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/10/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Common Grape Hyacinth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/10/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Deadwood Borer Moth larva found under a log in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/8/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A female imago Leptophlebia species in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Identified by Roger Rohrbeck. (View MBP)
Below: A Galerita bicolor collected in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Verified by Curt Harden. (View MBP)
Below: A Galerita bicolor collected in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Verified by Curt Harden. (View MBP)
Below: A Galerita bicolor collected in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Verified by Curt Harden. (View MBP)
Below: Pseudopolydesmus serratus in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Verified by Jackson Means. (View MBP)
Below: Pseudopolydesmus serratus in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Verified by Jackson Means. (View MBP)
Below: Pseudopolydesmus serratus in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Verified by Jackson Means. (View MBP)
Below: A Batrachospermum species in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: A Batrachospermum species in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: A Batrachospermum species in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: Rhopobota dietziana leaf mines on American Holly in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/17/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Mougeotia species in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Determined by Dr. John Hall. (View MBP)
Below: The first Sundial Lupine of the season emerging in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Cherrybark Oak (leaves and trunk) in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Verified by Wes Knapp and Kevin Dodge. (View MBP)
Below: Bigleaf Periwinkle blooming in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Bigleaf Periwinkle in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: White Deadnettle blooming in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: White Deadnettle blooming in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). The abundant Purple Deadnettle visible in background. (View MBP)
Below: Worm Moss in Caroline Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Identified by Jim Stasz. (View MBP)
Below: Hypoxylon fragiforme in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Dwarf Trillium blooming in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Southern Twayblade in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Dwarf Trillium in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Southern Ground Cedar in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Note horizontal stem at surface of the ground. (View MBP)
Below: Corn Gromwell in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Sun Spurge in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: AChain Pickerel caught in Worcester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Sand Hickory in bud in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Scarlet Oak in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Woolly Beach-heather in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Maleberry in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Piedmont Staggerbush (buds) in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Piedmont Staggerbush in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Smooth Elephant's-foot (winter aspect) in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Turban Lichen in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Elliott's Bluestem in Wicomico Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). Identified by Jim Brighton. (View MBP)
Below: Tar-spot Lichen in Dorchester Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Red Columbine in Caroline Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Yellow Perch in Caroline Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: American Golden Saxifrage in Caroline Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Clinton's Woodfern (winter aspect) in Caroline Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Four-toed Salamander in Caroline Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Clinton's Woodfern in Caroline Co., Maryland (3/31/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Funaria flavicans in Washington Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). Photographed via stereo microscope and determined with assistance from Rick Borchelt. (View MBP)
Below: Funaria flavicans collected in Washington Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). Photographed via stereo microscope and determined with assistance from Rick Borchelt. (View MBP)
Below: Pipe Organ Mud Dauber nest in Washington Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Orange-eye Butterfly-bush (persisting fruit) in Washington Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Orange-eye Butterfly-bush (stem and persisting leaves) in Washington Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Virginia Bluebells emerging through the snow in Washington Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Partridgeberry in Montgomery Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Red Cedar in Montgomery Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Ramps in Montgomery Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A young Human runs ahead along the Billy Goat Trail in Montgomery Co., Maryland (3/24/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Grass Tubeworm Moth in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (6/17/2017). (View MBP)
Below: Goblet Moss (toothed edge of leaves) in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/17/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Goblet Moss in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/17/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Seductive Entodon Moss (sporangia at 10x magnification) in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/17/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Field Thistle (winter aspect) in Calvert Co., Maryland (3/17/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Stalkless Cladonia in Washington Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Paradise Apple (persisting fruit in winter) in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: White Ash (trunk and branches of sapling) in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Hophornbeam (trunk) in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Leatherwood (inspecting namesake pliable twig) in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Eastern Leatherwood in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Red Pine needles (long bundles of two) in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Red Pine (overall) in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Red Pine (trunk) in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Gray Alder (trunk) in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Black Chokeberry (winter aspect) with persisting fruit in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Gray Alder in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Gray Alder in Garrett Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Scots Pine (trunk) in Allegany Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Scots Pine in Allegany Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: Viburnum Leaf Beetle damage in Allegany Co., Maryland (3/9/2018). (View MBP)
Below: A Porcellionides species in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (1/27/2018). (View MBP)