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January in Maryland. Last updated: 1/25/2013.
Above and below: This Four-toed Salamander was the biodiversity highlight of a weekend in Worcester Co. (1/20/2013).
Below: A Northern River Otter says hello to some domestic Muscovy Ducks in Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Laurel-leaved Greenbrier among Smooth Alder in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/19/2013).
Below: A Patent Leather Beetle (Horned Passalus) in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Crossvine leaves and Coral Greenbrier berries in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/19/2013).
Below: Glaucous Greenbrier leaves in winter in Anne Arundel and Baltimore Counties, respectively (1/5/2013).
Below: A male Boat-tailed Grackle foraging out on the saltmarsh in Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Adam's Needle (Yucca) growing along a roadside in Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Atlantic White Cedar in Wicomico Co., Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: Carolina Mosquitofern growing densely in a wetland in Dorchester Co., Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: Common Raccoon tracks on Assateague Island, Maryland (1/19/2013).
Below: A Greater White-fronted Goose found among 12,000+ Canada Geese at Blackwater NWR, Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: The interesting invasive Leatherleaf Mahonia - Prince George's Co., Maryland (1/11/2013).
Below: A close-up of Oak Mistletoe on a Red Maple in Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Seaoats on Assateague Island, Maryland (1/19/2013).
Below: Shepherd's Purse blooming in winter in West Ocean City, Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: Virginia Pepperweed blooming in winter in West Ocean City, Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: Common Chickweed blooming in winter in West Ocean City, Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: Field-madder blooming in winter in West Ocean City, Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: Red-stemmed Storksbill blooming in winter in West Ocean City, Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: Bushy Bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus) on Assateague Island, Maryland (1/19/2013).
Below: Big-leaved Periwinkle (non-native) in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Basket Oak in Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Saltmeadow Cordgrass (Spartina patens) on Assateague Island, Maryland (1/19/2013).
Below: American White Pelicans at Blackwater NWR, Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: Silky Dogwood in Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: A comparison of Broad-leaved and Narrow-leaved Cattails - Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Seaside Threeawn (highly state rare) in Worcester Co., Maryland (11/23/2012).
Below: Common Post Oak in Baltimore Co., Maryland (1/5/2013).
Below: Atlantic Ribbed Mussels growing along the edge of the saltmarsh in coastal Worcester Co., Maryland (1/19/2013).
Below: A Western Sandpiper among Dunlin in Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Southern Magnolia in Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: Johnsongrass growing near the Choptank River in Talbot Co., Maryland (1/1/2013).
Below: The trunk of a large Wax Myrtle at Deal Island WMA, Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: A juvenile White-winged Crossbill in flight over Baltimore Co., Maryland (1/5/2013).
Below: Black Needlerush at Irish Grove, Somerset Co., Maryland (1/20/2013).
Below: A wintering Lincoln's Sparrow in Prince George's Co., Maryland (1/11/2013).