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Tufted Duck in Maryland. Last updated: 3/21/2010.

Above and below: A stunning adult male Tufted Duck found by Ron Gutberlet - Kent Narrows, Maryland (3/16/2010). This is only Maryland's fifth record of the species. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A stunning adult male Tufted Duck found by Ron Gutberlet - Kent Narrows, Maryland (3/16/2010). This is only Maryland's fifth record of the species.

Above and below: A stunning adult male Tufted Duck found by Ron Gutberlet - Kent Narrows, Maryland (3/16/2010). This is only Maryland's fifth record of the species. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A stunning adult male Tufted Duck found by Ron Gutberlet - Kent Narrows, Maryland (3/16/2010). This is only Maryland's fifth record of the species. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A stunning adult male Tufted Duck found by Ron Gutberlet - Kent Narrows, Maryland (3/16/2010). This is only Maryland's fifth record of the species. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A stunning adult male Tufted Duck found by Ron Gutberlet - Kent Narrows, Maryland (3/16/2010). This is only Maryland's fifth record of the species. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A stunning adult male Tufted Duck found by Ron Gutberlet - Kent Narrows, Maryland (3/16/2010). This is only Maryland's fifth record of the species. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A stunning adult male Tufted Duck found by Ron Gutberlet - Kent Narrows, Maryland (3/16/2010). This is only Maryland's fifth record of the species. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A stunning male Painted Bunting in Prince George's Co., Maryland (2/14/2010). Thanks for the hospitality, Dorothy!

A stunning male Painted Bunting in Prince George's Co., Maryland (2/14/2010). Thanks for the hospitality, Dorothy! Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A late Snow Bunting in Somerset Co. (3/7/2010). A great find by Mike Walsh.

A late Snow Bunting in Somerset Co. (3/7/2010). A great find by Mike Walsh. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A late Snow Bunting in Somerset Co. (3/7/2010). A great find by Mike Walsh. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A late Snow Bunting in Somerset Co. (3/7/2010). A great find by Mike Walsh. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An American Tree Sparrow visited our yard during the February blizzards (2/10/2010). This is the photo shoot during which I broke my bookshelf while trying to stand on it.

An American Tree Sparrow visited our yard during the February blizzards (2/10/2010). This is the photo shoot during which I broke my bookshelf while trying to stand on it. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Brown Thrasher at dawn on Assateague Island (8/17/2009). Found this while looking for another photo and thought I'd post it. We had a Brown Thrasher successfully winter in our yard, and today he was singing from the top of one of our large oak trees.

A Brown Thrasher at dawn on Assateague Island (8/17/2009). Found this while looking for another photo and thought I'd post it. We had a Brown Thrasher successfully winter in our yard, and today he was singing from the top of one of our large oak trees. Photo by Bill Hubick.

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