New Additions
May in Maryland. Last updated: 5/19/2013.
Above: A Marbled Salamander found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: An adult Eastern White-crowned Sparrow in Pasadena, Maryland (5/3/2012). (View MBP)
Above: An adult Eastern White-crowned Sparrow in Pasadena, Maryland (5/3/2012). (View MBP)
Above: An adult Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow at Prime Hook NWR, Delaware (3/2/2008). This bird was accepted as the first documented record for Delaware. (View MBP)
Above: The slime mold Fuligo septica in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: The slime mold Fuligo septica in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. Lance notes, "this common mycomycete is often found on wood chips in gardens." (View MBP)
Above: Schizophyllum commune in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Verified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: Eyelash Cup (Scutellinia scutellata) in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Verified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: Diatrype stigma in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Verified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: Candelaria concolor in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Identified by Richard Orr and verified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: Rough Speckled Shield Lichen (Punctelia rudecta) at Fresh Pond, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Verified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: Maleberry in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Cranberry in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Rare on the coastal plain. (View MBP)
Above: A Seven-spotted Lady Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Leatherleaf in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/13/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Leatherleaf in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). Highly state rare (S1). (View MBP)
Above: Orange Holomelina Moth at Weinberg Park, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Pink Lady's Slipper leaves in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/18/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Star Chickweed blooming in Washington Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Blue Cohosh blooming in Washington Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Round-lobed Hepatica in Washington Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Eastern Shootingstar blooming in Washington Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Bloodroot leaves in Washington Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Rosy Maple Moth just outside of Garrett Co. in West Virginia (7/1/2006). (View MBP)
Above: A Willow Flycatcher in Frederick Co., Maryland (5/20/2007). (View MBP)
Above: Amanita flavorubescens in Prince George's Co., Maryland (6/29/2008). Identified by Paul Noell. (View MBP)
Above: An Elegant Stinkhorn in Talbot Co., Maryland (6/22/2008). (View MBP)
Above: A young Sulfur Shelf on Dans Mountain, Allegany Co., Maryland (6/14/2009). (View MBP)
Above: Sulfur Shelf at Turkey Point, Cecil Co., Maryland (9/23/2007). Identified by Paul Noell. (View MBP)
Above: A Clay-colored Sparrow in Garrett Co., Maryland (5/11/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Resurrection Fern in Worcester Co., Maryland (5/10/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A young Eastern White Pine in Green Ridge State Forest, Allegany Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Virginia Plantain found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). Note the hairy leaves and peduncle (stem supporting the inflorescence). (View MBP)
Above: Aquarius remigis in Green Ridge State Forest, Allegany Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Garlic Mustard blooming in Washington Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Bird's-foot Violet in Green Ridge State Forest, Allegany Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Long-spurred Violet in Allegany Co., Maryland (4/25/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Carolina Cranesbill blooming at Fort Smallwood, Maryland (5/5/2013). Among other characters, note the notches petals of the flowers. (View MBP)
Above: Common Mouse-eared Chickweed blooming at Fort Smallwood, Maryland (5/5/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Black Medick blooming at Fort Smallwood Park, Maryland (5/5/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Star of Bethlehem blooming in Pasadena, Maryland (5/5/2013). Star of Bethlehem is introduced from Eurasia and has become established throughout the state. (View MBP)
Above: American Plantain leaf from Fort Smallwood, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/5/2013). Note the wavy, toothed margins and purplish base to petiole. Compare to similar Common Plantain (T. major) (View MBP)
Above: Epalpus signifer in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/23/2013). A new genus for Maryland Biodiversity Project. (View MBP)
Above: European Field Pansy blooming at Chino Farms, Maryland (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A comparison of Red-seeded Dandelion and Common Dandelion at Fort Smallwood, Maryland (5/4/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A young Norway Maple at Fort Smallwood, Maryland (5/4/2013). A handy trick to confirm this ID is to remove a leaf by the base of its stem and look for white sap. (View MBP)
Above: Common Sheep Sorrel blooming at Fort Smallwood, Maryland (5/4/2013). In late April and early May, large red patches appear in the grassy margins along many roads in Maryland. (View MBP)
Above: Stenodema trispinosum in Pasadena, Maryland (4/10/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Common Bedstraw (also known as Cleavers) blooming at Fort Smallwood, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/4/2013). Note the rasping stem and leaves in whorls of 6 to 8. (View MBP)
Above: Ganoderma lucidum found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). Lance Biechele notes, "This is an annual polypore that fruits in summer-fall and persists all winter." (View MBP)
Above: A Winter Firefly - a diurnal firefly - found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). Our first firefly added to Maryland Biodiversity Project. (View MBP)
Above: Shining Clubmoss found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Shining Clubmoss found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Loggerhead Shrike hunts along a roadside in the Everglades (2/27/2010). (View MBP)
Above: A wintering Loggerhead Shrike in Washington Co., Maryland (1/2/2012). Now rare and declining in Maryland, this individual returned for another winter in the same area. Found originally and then relocated this year by Jim Green. (View MBP)
Above: Crimson Clover planted as ground cover on Chino Farms, Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Lophocolea heterophylla found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. Per Lance, "a very common liverwort that also forms thin, flat, yellowish-green mats on old logs." (View MBP)
Above: Camponotus chromaiodes found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Emerging Canada Mayflower found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Pinxter Flower trunk photographed during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Smooth Solomon's-seal found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A planted Horse-chestnut in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (4/27/2013). Note the seven leaflets. (View MBP)
Above: A planted Horse-chestnut in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A White-headed Prominent Moth found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: An immature Orchard Orbweaver found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Maidens-tears (Silene vulgaris) in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011). (View MBP)
Above: Mustard-yellow Polypore found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. Lance notes, "One only needs to tear open a cap to see the charactistic color of this common polypore." (View MBP)
Above: Eyelash Cup (Scutellinia scutellata) found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. (View MBP)
Above: Schizophyllum commune found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. Lance shared this quote from Tom Volk: "In one published account, this mushroom had grown through the soft palate of a child's mouth and was actually forming fruiting bodies (mushrooms) in her sinuses." (View MBP)
Above: Highbush Blueberry found blooming during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: One of many nice patches of Indian Cucumber found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Black Huckleberry found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: Odontoschisma prostratum found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). Identified by Lance Biechele. Lance notes, "This common liverwort usually forms pure mats at bases of trees in woods. Under a microscope, many liverworts contain oil bodies, found only in the Hepaticae, which may be correlated with the plant's overwintering (Schuster)." (View MBP)
Above: Close-up of Eriophyes cerasicrumena found during the Chino Farms BioBlitz (4/27/2013). (View MBP)
Above: A Northern Water Snake drags an American Eel to drier land to prevent his feast from escaping (North Beach, Calvert Co., 8/28/2011). (View MBP)