New Additions
Late April and early May in Maryland. Last updated: 5/2/2012.
Above and below: A migrant Indigo Bunting stops to refuel in our yard in Pasadena, Maryland (5/2/2012). Plumage and molt details make this a second-year (SY) male, which means he was born last summer. Since then he traveled roughly 2,000 miles (each way) to winter in Central America or the Caribbean. Awesome.
Below: A Blue Jay poses for portraits in our Pasadena, Maryland yard (4/27/2012).
Below: A male House Finch and a recently fledged youngster at our feeders in Pasadena, Maryland (4/29/2012).
Below: Purple Grackles in our yard in Pasadena, Maryland (4/27/2012).
Below: Another Purple Grackle in our yard - Pasadena, Maryland (4/29/2012).
(No added color saturation!)
Below: A White-breasted Nuthatch visits our yard in Pasadena, Maryland (4/29/2012). Uncommon in our yard from April through September. Essentially a winter resident in our yard, though the species breeds at Fort Smallwood. Perhaps they'll nest a little closer this year and stay on for the summer.
Below: Lingering White-throated Sparrows - Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/27/2012).
Below: More posing White-throated Sparrows - Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/29/2012).
Below: The numbers of lingering White-throats in our yard dropped by about 90% on 5/1/2012. This one continues in our yard on 5/2/2012.
Below: An Eastern Gray Squirrel fattens up beneath our feeds in Pasadena, Maryland (5/2/2012).
Below: Male and female Northern Cardinals - Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/27/2012).
Below: A nesting American Robin - Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/27/2012).
Below: European Starlings have gorgeous iridescence in the proper light - Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/27/2012).
Below: Roosting Black-crowned Night-Herons across the street from our house - Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (4/27/2012).
Below: The only subject I intend to photograph more than birds. Our beautiful daughter Adelaide (Addy) Winona Hubick joined us on 4/23/2012. Enjoy the portraits of yard birds until we get the hang of this and take our nature adventures on the road!