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Page 2 of California photos. Last updated: 7/21/2011.

A Sooty Grouse makes my morning on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above and below: A Sooty Grouse makes my morning on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011).

A Sooty Grouse makes my morning on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Sooty Grouse makes my morning on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Western Bluebird demonstrates his place in the food chain in the foothills outside Garberville, California (7/4/2011).

A Western Bluebird demonstrates his place in the food chain in the foothills outside Garberville, California (7/4/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Western Bluebird demonstrates his place in the food chain in the foothills outside Garberville, California (7/4/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Western Bluebird demonstrates his place in the food chain in the foothills outside Garberville, California (7/4/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Western Bluebird demonstrates his place in the food chain in the foothills outside Garberville, California (7/4/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Western Bluebird demonstrates his place in the food chain in the foothills outside Garberville, California (7/4/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Western Bluebird demonstrates his place in the food chain in the foothills outside Garberville, California (7/4/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A female American Kestrel in the rolling hills above Garberville, California (7/4/2011).
Nearby I was excited to find my first pair of Purple Martins that were nesting in a natural cavity in a dead snag.

A female American Kestrel in the rolling hills above Garberville, California (7/4/2011). <br />
Nearby I was excited to find my first pair of Purple Martins that were nesting in a natural cavity in a dead snag. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A female American Kestrel in the rolling hills above Garberville, California (7/4/2011). <br />
Nearby I was excited to find my first pair of Purple Martins that were nesting in a natural cavity in a dead snag. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Brown Elfin on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). My only others have been on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

A Brown Elfin on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). My only others have been on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Red-breasted Sapsucker on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011).

A Red-breasted Sapsucker on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Red-breasted Sapsucker on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Violet-green Swallow near Humboldt Redwoods SP, California (7/4/2011).

A Violet-green Swallow near Humboldt Redwoods SP, California (7/4/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Cassin's Vireo on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011).

A Cassin's Vireo on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: The songs of Fox Sparrows were the soundtrack of our Mount Shasta ascent (7/6/2011).

The songs of Fox Sparrows were the soundtrack of our Mount Shasta ascent (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Black-headed Grosbeak in Klamath NF, California (7/5/2011).

A Black-headed Grosbeak in Klamath NF, California (7/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Mylitta Crescent in Palo Colorado Canyon, California (7/2/2011).

A Mylitta Crescent in Palo Colorado Canyon, California (7/2/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Wrentit investigates my presence just outside of Humboldt Redwoods SP, California (7/4/2011).

A Wrentit investigates my presence just outside of Humboldt Redwoods SP, California (7/4/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: One of several Ring-billed Gulls we weren't expecting to see at an inland rest stop along I-5 in northern California (7/5/2011).

One of several Ring-billed Gulls we weren't expecting to see at an inland rest stop along I-5 in northern California (7/5/2011).  Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Roosevelt Elk in Humboldt Co., California (7/5/2011).

Roosevelt Elk in Humboldt Co., California (7/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A California Sister poses in Palo Colorado, California (7/2/2011).

A California Sister poses in Palo Colorado, California (7/2/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Song Sparrow performs in the morning fog at Dry Lagoon SP, California (7/5/2011).

A Song Sparrow performs in the morning fog at Dry Lagoon SP, California (7/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An immature male Bullock's Oriole in the hills outside of Garberville, California (7/5/2011).

An immature male Bullock's Oriole in the hills outside of Garberville, California (7/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Two-banded Checkered-Skipper on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011).

A Two-banded Checkered-Skipper on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Two-banded Checkered-Skipper on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An intense performance from a Fox Sparrow on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011).

An intense performance from a Fox Sparrow on Mount Shasta, California (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Pale Swallowtail on the California/Oregon border in Klamath NF (7/6/2011).

A Pale Swallowtail on the California/Oregon border in Klamath NF (7/6/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A beautiful male Hermit Warbler performs for Becky and me at the California/Oregon border in Klamath NF (7/5/2011).

A beautiful male Hermit Warbler performs for Becky and me at the California/Oregon border in Klamath NF (7/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A beautiful male Hermit Warbler performs for Becky and me at the California/Oregon border in Klamath NF (7/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A beautiful male Hermit Warbler performs for Becky and me at the California/Oregon border in Klamath NF (7/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A beautiful male Hermit Warbler performs for Becky and me at the California/Oregon border in Klamath NF (7/5/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

I love California.

I love California. Photo by Bill Hubick.

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