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Early June in Garrett Co., Maryland with Jim Brighton, Matt Hafner, Hans Holbrook, Marshall Iliff, and Jim Stasz. Last updated: 6/11/2007.

Above and below: A Kentucky Warbler on territory near Finzel Swamp, Maryland (6/9/2007). This reclusive species had eluded me for quite a while.

Below three: The Hudsonian Whiteface is a very rare bog specialist found in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/10/2007).

Below: An Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007). Careful handling in the second image shows additional wing detail.

Below: A beautiful Ring-necked Snake in northeastern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007).

Below: A Beaverpond Baskettail, a specialized resident of beaverponds (6/10/2007). It is best distinguished from its look-alike, Common Baskettail, by details of the cerci.

Below: The Amber-winged Spreadwing is an especially distinctive spreadwing species - Garrett Co., Maryland (6/10/2007).

Below: This Black-shouldered Spinyleg was definitely a surprise. The only others I've seen were in Congaree Swamp in South Carolina. Photographed in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007)

Below: An Elegant Spreadwing in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007). Lam's damselfly guide shows no records for western Maryland; however, I later learned that Dave Czaplak found them at the same site several years ago.

Below: The habitat in this photo - Finzel Swamp - strongly supports the identity of this Alder Flycatcher (6/9/2007).

Below: A Slimy Salamander photographed just before it retreated into its tunnel under a fallen log - Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007).

Below: A Hermit Thrush's well-concealed, grass-lined nest, found on the ground of a wooded edge at 2,850'. Second photo shows the habitat in which Jim Stasz found the nest. As always, care was taken to minimize disturbance.

Below: A Twin-spotted Spiketail (Northern form) in Garrett Co. (6/9/2007).

Below: One of several Pepper and Salt Skippers we found in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007).

Below: A Pickerel Frog in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007).

Below: Another especially attractive damselfly species, the Aurora Damsel (6/9/2007).

Below: It was a great weekend for finding Harris's Checkerspot in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007).

Below: The Sable Clubtail is always an exciting ode to find - Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007).

Below: Close-up views of a male Common Green Darner never fail to leave an impression (6/10/2007).

Below: A Unicorn Clubtail and its distinctive cerci in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007).

Below: A very recently fledged American Robin near Fort Smallwood, Maryland (5/19/2007).

Below two: A first-year male Orchard Oriole at Fort Smallwood, Maryland (5/19/2007).

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