New Additions
An afternoon at Cromwell Valley Park in Baltimore Co., Maryland. Last updated: 7/20/2006
Above and below: A nesting male American Goldfinch foraging actively.
Below two: An adult Barn Swallow and very recently fledged young, respectively.
Below two: An adult and a hatch-year Chipping Sparrow, respectively.
Below: A female House Finch
Below: A recently fledged Red-bellied Woodpecker that was still accepting handouts from dad.
Below: A young Song Sparrow
Below: A White-tailed Deer fawn
Below: From back in May, actually. A White-breasted Nuthatch carrying food into its nesting cavity at Middle Patuxent Environmental Area, Howard Co., Maryland (5/24/2006).
Featured Conservation Project: The Junín Grebe