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Spring birding in Maryland's Piedmont and other recent photos. Last updated: 4/22/2007.

Above and below two: A beautiful and unusually cooperative Sora in Montgomery Co., Maryland (4/22/2007)

Below: A territorial Louisiana Waterthrush near the Potomac River in Washington Co., Maryland (4/22/2007).

Below: Male Red-winged Blackbirds guarding their marshy domains - Montgomery and Frederick Co., Maryland (4/22/2007).

Below: A beautiful drake Ruddy Duck in full breeding plumage, Frederick Co., Maryland (4/22/2007).

Below: I would complain about the cattail in this Virginia Rail's face, but it IS a rail after all. Photographed in Frederick Co., Maryland (4/22/2007).

Below: I was surprised to find this female Downy Woodpecker feeding on the narrow stalk of a cattail. Frederick Co., Maryland (4/22/2007).

Below three: OK, cuteness warning... Recently hatched Hooded Mergansers race to their mother's protection as we approach a quiet pond in Frederick Co., Maryland (4/22/2007).

Below: The protective mother dove upon our arrival, then reappeared on the other side of the pond. The 12 little ones immediately ran across the water to rejoin her. We left quickly so as to not disturb them.

Below: A Great Blue Heron at Hughes Hollow, Montgomery Co., Maryland (4/22/2007).

Below two: A beautiful Spotted Salamander in Montgomery Co., Maryland (4/22/2007).

Below: A Myrtle Warbler molting into breeding plumage in Charles Co., Maryland (4/8/2007).

Above and below: We found this very recently fledged Great Horned Owl in a pine-lined marshy area near Little Creek, Delaware, and were blown away by its behavior. It held up its wings like a Sunbittern to look larger and was constantly clicking its bill. Quite an impressive sight for a young owl! There are not many predators around here to challenge such an intimidating prospect. We never left the car and only disturbed it for a minute or so as we snapped a few dozen images. Really fantastic bird, and an awesome behavior I'd never even heard of among owls. We saw one of its parents fly by while there, so we were confident it was not in any immediate trouble - probably just well-timed with one of its first attempts at flight (4/7/2007).

Below: A Common Loon molting into breeding plumage at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (4/7/2008)

Below: A Common Loon molting into breeding plumage, with prey, at the Indian River Inlet, Delaware (4/7/2008).

Below: A Brown Creeper at Middle Patuxent Environmental Area, Howard Co., Maryland (4/2007).

Below: A Snowy Egret along the Delaware coast in early spring (4/10/2007).

Below two: A Wilson's Snipe near Bombay Hook NWR, Delaware (4/7/2007).

Below: A Common Muskrat in Kent Co., Maryland (4/7/2007).

Below: A molting adult Black-crowned Night-Heron at Bombay Hook NWR, Delaware (4/7/2007).

Below: An American Bittern in flight (4/7/2007).

Below: A drake Wood Duck at Bombay Hook NWR, Delaware (4/7/2007).

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