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Costa Rica - Page 3.  Last updated: 3/28/2007.

Above: Perhaps the most famous owls in Central America, a pair of Black-and-White Owls that roost in the Orotina town square. Below: One of my personal favorites of the trip, a Common Tody-Flycatcher (Rio Lagarto).

Below: A large Green Iguana near our place in Jaco.

Below: A Scintillant Hummingbird enjoys a brief rest on Volcan Poas (elevation 8,884').

Below: The stunning Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher was fairly common on and near Cerro de la Muerte.

Below: A Flame-colored Tanager perches in dawn light near Volcan Poas.

Below two: A beautiful Common Morpho (Morpho peleides limpida) feeds at a banana station at the La Paz waterfalls.

Below: A young Yellow-headed Caracara on the Osa Peninsula.

Below: A pair of Golden-browed Chlorophonias gather nesting materials near the town of Copey.

Below: A female Crested Guan in pre-dawn twilight near Carara.

Below: A Mottled Owl in the foothills near Cerro de la Muerte.

Below: A Chestnut-backed Antbird shows off its namesake plumage (Osa Peninsula).

Below: Sooty Robins are fascinating high-elevation specialists. Their calls and songs sound more jay-like than any thrush I've ever heard. (Near Cerro de la Muerte)

Below: The White-eared Ground-Sparrow is a local specialty around Monteverde.

Below: A Turquoise-browed Motmot surveys the Rio Tarcoles.

Below: A Squirrel Cuckoo in the canopy at Carara.

Below: A Yellow-faced Grassquit near Monteverde.

Below: An Amazon Kingfisher perches over the Rio Tarcoles at sunset.

Below: A Tufted Flycatcher hawking insects in the foothills around Copey.

Below: A Black-cheeked Warbler in the foothills around Copey.

Below: The Red-breasted Blackbird is a very attractive specialty on the Osa Peninsula.

Below: Another Rosenberg's Treefrog on the Osa Peninsula.

Below: The sun sets over open country on the Osa Peninsula.

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