New Additions
October in Southern California - Page 1. Last updated: 10/12/2011.
I couldn't stop photographing Snowy Plovers this trip. Expect many more in later updates! (Malibu, 9/30/2011)
Below: Snowy Plovers hanging out with a Sanderling
Below: A Mountain Chickadee in the hills above Santa Barbara, California (10/1/2011).
Below: A Pygmy Nuthatch near McGill Campground, California (10/1/2011).
Below: A Western Willet at Malibu Lagoon, California (9/30/2011).
Below: A very pink Elegant Tern on the beach at Malibu Lagoon, California (9/30/2011).
Below: An Audubon's Warbler in Santa Barbara Co., California (10/1/2011).
Below: An American Crow on the beach at Malibu Lagoon, California (9/30/2011).
Below: Not a crow! A Great-tailed Grackle is molting its tail feathers, much like our East Coast Boat-tailed Grackles and other blackbirds at this time of year. (9/30/2011)
Below: An Oak Titmouse in Santa Barbara Co., California (10/1/2011).
Below: An immature Pied-billed Grebe with older bird at Malibu Lagoon, California (9/30/2011).
Below: This Queen, related to the Monarch, was a butterfly highlight at Malibu Lagoon, California (9/30/2011).
Below: "Thick-billed" Fox Sparrows near Mount Pinos, California (10/1/2011).
Below: A Clark's Nutcracker in flight near Mount Pinos, California (10/1/2011).
Below: California Gulls in Malibu, California (9/30/2011).
Below: A Plumbeous Vireo near McGill Campground, California (10/1/2011).
Below: A Steller's Jay poses in the morning light near Mount Pinos, California (10/1/2011).
Below: The White-breasted Nuthatches on the West Coast are different from our East Coast birds in many ways, most notably in their vocalizations. I'll post some recordings of them soon.
Below: A Bushtit in Santa Barbara Co., California (10/1/2011).
Below: A Western Bluebird in Santa Barbara Co., California (10/1/2011).
Below: A Lodgepole Chipmunk on Mount Pinos, California (10/1/2011).
Below: An adult Heermann's Gull at Malibu Lagoon, California (9/30/2011).
Below: A Mormon Metalmark, my favorite new butterfly of the trip, found while searching for California Condors in Santa Barbara Co., California (10/1/2011).
Below: No southern California trip would be complete without tracking down a few Yellow-billed Magpies - Santa Barbara Co., California (10/1/2011).