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June in Maryland. Garrett Breeders trip co-led with Jim Brighton. Last updated: 6/15/2011.

A male Bobolink displaying over a prime field in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above: A male Bobolink displaying over a prime field in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011).
Below: A Ring-necked Snake (in situ) in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A male Bobolink displaying over a prime field in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A second Ring-necked Snake nearby in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A second Ring-necked Snake nearby in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A European Skippeer in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A European Skippeer in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Northern Bluet in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). This species is known only from a few sites in Garrett Co. in Maryland, and close-up photos of the cerci were required to confirm Northern over the even rarer Boreal Bluet, which is yet undocumented in Maryland. Great job getting the necessary cerci close-ups, Tom.

A Northern Bluet in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). This species is known only from a few sites in Garrett Co. in Maryland, and close-up photos of the cerci were required to confirm Northern over the even rarer Boreal Bluet, which is yet undocumented in Maryland. Great job getting the necessary cerci close-ups, Tom. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Northern Bluet in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). This species is known only from a few sites in Garrett Co. in Maryland, and close-up photos of the cerci were required to confirm Northern over the even rarer Boreal Bluet, which is yet undocumented in Maryland. Great job getting the necessary cerci close-ups, Tom. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Calla Lily in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011).

Calla Lily in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) in Savage River SF, Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Blue Cohosh (<em>Caulophyllum thalictroides</em>) in Savage River SF, Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: One of many Calico Pennants recently emerged in eastern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011).

One of many Calico Pennants recently emerged in eastern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Mating Six-spotted Tiger Beetles in a bog in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Mating Six-spotted Tiger Beetles in a bog in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Cinnamon Fern in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Cinnamon Fern in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Hay-scented Fern in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Hay-scented Fern in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Interrupted Fern in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Interrupted Fern in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A female Aurora Damsel in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A female Aurora Damsel in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Eyed Elator in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Eyed Elator in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: This nesting Red-headed Woodpecker was one of 112 species detected on a two-day Montgomery Bird Club field trip to Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

This nesting Red-headed Woodpecker was one of 112 species detected on a two-day Montgomery Bird Club field trip to Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

This nesting Red-headed Woodpecker was one of 112 species detected on a two-day Montgomery Bird Club field trip to Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

This nesting Red-headed Woodpecker was one of 112 species detected on a two-day Montgomery Bird Club field trip to Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Round-leaved Sundew, a carnivorous bog specialist, in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Round-leaved Sundew, a carnivorous bog specialist, in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Ed Carlson explains Tuscorora Sandstone, its presence on a mountaintop and why the local stream has a sandy bottom.

Ed Carlson explains Tuscorora Sandstone, its presence on a mountaintop and why the local stream has a sandy bottom. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Twin-spotted Spiketail in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A Twin-spotted Spiketail in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Twin-spotted Spiketail in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Twin-spotted Spiketail in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Bladder Campion (Silene vulgaris/Silene cucubalus) in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011). Interesting, but invasive.

Bladder Campion (<em>Silene vulgaris/Silene cucubalus</em>) in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/11/2011). Interesting, but invasive. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A female Widow Skimmer in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A female Widow Skimmer in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Crossline Skipper in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A Crossline Skipper in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Flowering Raspberry in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Flowering Raspberry in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Flowering Raspberry in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A female Hobomok's Skipper in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A female Hobomok's Skipper in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Large Twayblade, a native orchird, in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Large Twayblade, a native orchird, in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Red Squirrel near the Youghiogheny Reservoir in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A Red Squirrel near the Youghiogheny Reservoir in western Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A male Purple Finch on territory in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A male Purple Finch on territory in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Goat's Beard (Aruncus dioicus) in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Host plant for Dusky Azure.

Goat's Beard (<em>Aruncus dioicus</em>) in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Host plant for Dusky Azure. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Northern Pearly-Eye in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

A Northern Pearly-Eye in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Mountain Laurel blooming in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011).

Mountain Laurel blooming in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A rare Mountain Earth Snake found at high elevation in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). This individual had fewer warm, reddish tones then the one we found at the end of May.

A rare Mountain Earth Snake found at high elevation in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2011). This individual had fewer warm, reddish tones then the one we found at the end of May. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Thanks to Jim Brighton and Tom Feild for the great company and learning opportunities in the field, particularly with wildflowers and other flora. See Jim Brightons photos here.

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