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The first batch of photos from two amazing weeks in Costa Rica. Last updated: 3/26/2007.

Above and below: The aptly-named Resplendent Quetzal, truly one of the most beautiful birds in the world (Monteverde).

Below two: The stunning bully of cloudforest hummingbirds, the Violet Sabrewing (Monteverde).

Below: Two different Collared Redstarts, the first in the cloudforest at Monteverde.

Below two: One of the coolest creatures in the world, and one of the best finds of the trip - a Common Potoo (Osa Peninsula).

Below: A Ruddy Treerunner hunts the mossy tangles of Monteverde.

Below: A Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth on the Osa Peninsula. Too cool.

Below: A gorgeous Blue-throated (Emerald) Toucanet foraging on a sunny morning at Monteverde.

Below: One of the thousands of land crabs (Gecarcinus lateralis) migrating across the Osa Peninsula.

Below: Roosting Vampire Bats (Desmodus rotundus) on the Osa Peninsula. More on Vampire Bats.

Below: A color-banded Slate-throated Redstart hawking insects in the misty rain at Monteverde.

Below: A very interesting moth near the visitor's center at Monteverde.

Below: The abundant Common Bush-Tanager at Monteverde.

Below: The song of the Gray-breasted Wood-Wren is hard to miss at Monteverde, but getting good looks at one is much trickier.

Below: A cooperative Slaty-tailed Trogon on the Osa Peninsula.

Below two: Male and female Purple-throated Mountain-Gems feeding at Monteverde.

Below: The endemic Coppery-headed Emerald is found only in Costa Rica (Monteverde).

Below: An Immaculate Antbird hunts large insects disturbed by a swarm of Army Ants (Monteverde).

Below: A Green Violet-Ear chatters and surveys its surroundings (Monteverde, 3/2007).

Below: The Magenta-throated Woodstars effortless hovering was spectacular to watch (Monteverde).

Below: This beautiful Gray Fox was a surprise find at Monteverde.

Below: The widespread and beautiful Green-crowned Brilliant (Monteverde).

Below: The beautiful Golden-hooded Tanager gets the "Field guide doesn't do it justice" award (La Paz).

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