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Assorted images from the archives. Last updated: 3/16/2012.

Above and below: Often, when tracking down old images requested in higher resolution, I come across others from a given day that are worth processing (or re-processing) and adding to the site. Some of these Golden-winged Warbler shots from May 2006 were better than I remembered. Or maybe with their alarming decline, any shot seems more precious.

Below: A singing Acadian Flycatcher in Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/11/2011).

Below: A mother American Woodcock in western Garrett Co., Maryland (5/13/2006). I missed photos of the babies by seconds!

Below: A Chestnut-sided Warbler in Green Ridge SF, Maryland (4/30/2011).

Below: A Kentucky Warbler in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2007).

Below: A Kentucky Warbler in Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/12/2010).

Below: A singing Scarlet Tanager in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/13/2009).

Below: Close-ups of a drake Redhead in Dorchester Co., Maryland (3/3/2012).

Brown Thrasher at Pickering Creek Audubon Sanctuary, Maryland (3/4/2012)

Below: A banded Ring-billed Gull in Cambridge, Maryland (3/4/2012).
He was banded on 5/5/2010 in Contrecoeur, Quebec, about 30 km east of Montreal.

Below: My best photo of the maddeningly sneaky Virginia's Warbler at Pickering Creek Audubon Sanctuary, Maryland (3/4/2012). Amazing first state record found by Jim Stasz and Ed Boyd.

Below: A Cedar Waxwing with namesake fare in Talbot Co., Maryland (3/4/2012).

First Southern Leopard Frogs of the year in Choptank, Caroline Co., Maryland (3/4/2012)

New Jersey Chorus Frogs in Worcester Co., Maryland (2/25/2012)

Below: I will never run out of new Pomarine Jaeger shots from our October pelagic out of San Diego, California (10/8/2011).

Below: Red-necked Phalaropes off San Diego, California (10/8/2011).

Below: A Belding's Savannah Sparrow near the Tijuana River, California (10/7/2011).

Below: A Black Phoebe near the Tijuana River in southernmost California (10/7/2011).

Below: A Yellow-billed Magpie in flight in Santa Barbara Co., California (9/30/2011).

Below: A Merlin on the flats at Malibu Lagoon, California (10/10/2011).

Below: A Prairie Falcon in flight in southern California (9/30/2011). Note the black axillaries.

Below: A Northern Harrier near the Tijuana River, California (10/7/2011).

Below: A California Towhee near Mt Pinos, California (10/2/2011).

Below: A female Dark-eyed Junco near Mt. Pinos, California (10/2/2011).

Below: A Gila Woodpecker in Brawley, California (10/9/2011).
North America's only venomous woodpecker.

Below: Common Terns during a late afternoon commute off San Diego, California (10/8/2011). Sooty Shearwater in the background.

Below: A Red-breasted Nuthatch in Kern Co., California (9/30/2011).

Below: An Oak Titmouse at Apache Saddle, California (9/30/2011).

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