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Maine in July. Last updated: 7/12/2013.

Above and below: A hen Spruce Grouse on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: A Spruce Grouse chick on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Hooker's Iris is a specialist of rocky northern coastlines. Shown here on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Common Clubmoss on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: A Red Pine on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013). An upland species with 5 inch needles in bundles of two.

Below: A Jack Pine on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Seaside Plantain blooming on the rocky coastline on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Beach Pea blooming along the beach on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Mountain Sorrel blooming on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: A Red Squirrel on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: American Larch on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Prickly Ash on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: A Northern Crescent on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Orange Hawkweed near Lee, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Swamp Candles (Earth Loosestrife) blooming near Jonesport, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Rattlebox (Rhinanthus minor) blooming near Jonesport, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Big-leaved Lupine blooming near Jonesport, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Fireweed near Jonesport, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Water Parsnip blooming near Jonesport, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: A female Hudsonian Whiteface near Lee, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Sheep Laurel blooming on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Northern Pitcher Plants on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: A presumed European Green Crab on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Baked-apple (Rubus chamaemorus) on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Jim Brighton getting a closer look at distant orchids on Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Documentation of my first-ever Black Guillemot off Great Wass Island, Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: Moose crossing - always a welcome sign! We had two sightings for the trip.

Below: Sunset on our first night in Maine (7/6/2013).

Below: A Dragon's Mouth Orchid (Arethusa bulbosa) in coastal Maine (7/6/2013). Unfortunately, this stunning species hasn't been seen in Maryland since 1919 and is considered extirpated.

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