New Additions
Rio Grande Valley with Mike Ostrowski. Last updated: 6/20/2015.
Above and below: A Red-billed Pigeon in Starr Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A singing male Pyrrhuloxia in Starr Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Crested Caracara in Starr Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Powdered Dancer along the Rio Grande River in Starr Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Black-tailed Gnatcatcher in the desert scrub of Starr Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: An Inca Dove in Starr Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: An immature Gray Hawk across the Rio Grande River in Tamaulipas, Mexico (6/2/2015).
Below: A Ringed Kingfisher across the Rio Grande River in Tamaulipas, Mexico (6/2/2015).
Below: A Mexican Mallard in flight over Tamaulipas, Mexico (6/2/2015).
Below: A Western Pygmy-Blue in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Yellow-headed Parrot in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Budgerigar forages on grass seeds in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: Swallows roosting at dusk in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: Baby Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks at dusk in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Green Kingfisher in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher nest in Starr Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A White-winged Dove in Zapata Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A nesting Yellow-breasted Chat in Zapata Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A White-collared Seedeater in Zapata Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Couch's Kingbird at Roma Bluffs, Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: Mexico as seen from Roma Bluffs, Texas (6/2/2015). We spent so much time along the Rio Grande River that our Mexico trip list was over 50 species despite never leaving the U.S.
Below: A White-cloaked Tiger Beetle in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015). A nice find by Mike Ostrowski.