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Mid-May in Maryland. Last updated: 5/16/2010.

A Piping Plover feeds in the surf on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Piping Plover feeds in the surf on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010).

A Piping Plover feeds in the surf on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Piping Plover feeds in the surf on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Piping Plover feeds in the surf on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An adult White Ibis near Bayside Development Pond in Worcester Co., Maryland (5/15/2010). Despite the proximity of Virginia's breeding population, this species remains quite rare in the county. This was my first spring sighting and my first sighting of an adult in Maryland.

An adult White Ibis near Bayside Development Pond in Worcester Co., Maryland (5/15/2010). Despite the proximity of Virginia's breeding population, this species remains quite rare in the county. This was my first spring sighting and my first sighting of an adult in Maryland. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Yellow-throated Warbler in a bald cypress swamp in Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/14/2010).

A Yellow-throated Warbler in a bald cypress swamp in Wicomico Co., Maryland (5/14/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Great Crested Flycatcher in Dorchester Co., Maryland (5/8/2010).

A Great Crested Flycatcher in Dorchester Co., Maryland (5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Diamondback Terrapin in southern Dorchester Co., Maryland (5/8/2010).

A Diamondback Terrapin in southern Dorchester Co., Maryland (5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Least Tern rests on the beach on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010).

A Least Tern rests on the beach on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An Eastern Willet at sunset in Dorchester Co., Maryland (5/8/2010).

An Eastern Willet at sunset in Dorchester Co., Maryland (5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Bald Eagle gets punked by a territorial Red-winged Blackbird (Dorchester Co., 5/8/2010).

A Bald Eagle gets punked by a territorial Red-winged Blackbird (Dorchester Co., 5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An Osprey feeding off Middle Hoooper Island, Maryland (5/8/2010).

An Osprey feeding off Middle Hoooper Island, Maryland (5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A female Purple Martin at Blackwater NWR, Maryland (5/8/2010).

A female Purple Martin at Blackwater NWR, Maryland (5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Red Fox eyes us suspiciously from a dirt mound (Dorchester Co., 5/8/2010).

A Red Fox eyes us suspiciously from a dirt mound (Dorchester Co., 5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Lesser Yellowlegs in Dorchester Co., Maryland (5/8/2010).

A Lesser Yellowlegs in Dorchester Co., Maryland (5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Two of the ten Red-headed Woodpeckers found in our area during the Dorchester May Count (5/8/2010).

Two of the ten Red-headed Woodpeckers found in our area during the Dorchester May Count (5/8/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A male Bay-breasted Warbler in the major warbler fallout on Assateague Island on 5/15/2010.

A male Bay-breasted Warbler in the major warbler fallout on Assateague Island on 5/15/2010. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A male Blackburnian Warbler in the morning flight on Assateague (5/15/2010).

A male Blackburnian Warbler in the morning flight on Assateague (5/15/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Blackpoll Warbler in the morning flight on Assateague (5/15/2010).

A Blackpoll Warbler in the morning flight on Assateague (5/15/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the morning flight at Bayside, Assateague Island (5/15/2010).

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the morning flight at Bayside, Assateague Island (5/15/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Red-eyed Vireo on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). If you look closely at the bird's nape, you can see a filoplume, one of the ultra-fine, hairlike feathers that presumably send birds messages regarding feather positioning.

A Red-eyed Vireo on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). If you look closely at the bird's nape, you can see a filoplume, one of the ultra-fine, hairlike feathers that presumably send birds messages regarding feather positioning. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An Eastern Wood-Pewee on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010).

An Eastern Wood-Pewee on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Wilson's Warbler singing along the Life of the Forest Trail on Assateague Island (5/15/2010).

A Wilson's Warbler singing along the Life of the Forest Trail on Assateague Island (5/15/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Northern Parula on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/15/2010).

A Northern Parula on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/15/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Magnolia Warbler on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010).

A Magnolia Warbler on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Blackburnian Warbler on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). This was my long-awaited 300th species in Worcester Co., Maryland. I would not have guessed that I would have seen 23 in two days in the county.

A Blackburnian Warbler on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). This was my long-awaited 300th species in Worcester Co., Maryland. I would not have guessed that I would have seen 23 in two days in the county. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Blackburnian Warbler on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). This was my long-awaited 300th species in Worcester Co., Maryland. I would not have guessed that I would have seen 23 in two days in the county. Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Blackburnian Warbler on Assateague Island, Maryland (5/14/2010). This was my long-awaited 300th species in Worcester Co., Maryland. I would not have guessed that I would have seen 23 in two days in the county. Photo by Bill Hubick.

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