New Additions

Mostly in western Maryland in mid-June. Last updated: 6/21/2009.

Above: A very recently fledged Red-winged Blackbird. Below: A recently fledged Tree Swallow still gladly accepting hand-outs (i.e., a dragonfly) from its parents. Both photographed at Lake Artemesia, P.G. Co., Maryland (6/20/2009).

Below two: Mourning Cloaks at Douthat State Park, Bath Co., Virginia (6/6/2009).

Below: A Northern Cricket Frog in the Nanjemoy area of Charles Co., Maryland (5/9/2009).

Below: A star guest at a party at Mikey and Jo Anna Lutmerding's house, a Royal Walnut Moth (Citheronia regalis). (P.G. Co., Maryland, 6/20/2009).

Below: A male Purple Finch in Garrett State Forest, Maryland (6/12/2009).

Below: A male Common Yellowthroat proclaims his territory in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2009).

Below five: Yellow Warblers on territory in Garrett and Allegany Counties, Maryland (6/13-14/2009).

Below: A Tawny Emperor on Dans Mountain, Allegany Co., Maryland (6/13/2009).

Below: A Chipping Sparrow in southern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2009).

Below: An Ovenbird in Garrett State Forest, Maryland (6/12/2009).

Below: I could have lightened this photo up a bit, but I like the sharp profile study. (Answer in next photo.)

Bobolink in flight

Below: A Bobolink in preferred grassland habitat in southern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/13/2009).

Below: Grasshoper Sparrows in Garrett and Allegany Counties, Maryland (6/13-14/2009)

Below: Recently fledged Barn Swallows in southern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/13/2009).

Have you ever wondered about the color of Barn Swallow eyelids? You have to catch them napping.

Below: An Eastern Meadowlark sings from the highest vantage point in his domain, Allegany Co., Maryland (6/14/2009).

Brilliant clover colors at sunset

Eastern Bluebirds... Don't be fooled by their beautiful colors and songs.

Below: A nesting Hermit Thrush in Garrett State Forest, Maryland (6/12/2009).

Below: An immature male Indigo Bunting vigorously proclaiming his territory in southern Garrett Co., Maryland (6/12/2009).

Below: Singing male Scarlet Tanagers in western Maryland (6/12-14/2009).

Wow. Found on Dans Mountain, Allegany Co., Maryland (6/14/2009).

Below: A Yellow-breasted Chat in preferred scrubby habitat near Jennings-Randolph Reservoir, Maryland (6/12/2009).

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