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Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland. Last updated: 7/21/2008.

Above: A male Blue Grosbeak sings from a perch above his favorite field in Wicomico Co., Maryland (7/20/2008). Below: A Least Sandpiper in worn breeding plumage at Rumbly Point, Somerset Co., Maryland (7/20/2008). All of the migrant shorebirds I encountered on this date were adults. From talking to Matt Hafner, the first juvenile migrant shorebirds expected in Maryland are Leasts, and the earliest of them arrive in Maryland around the last week in July.

Below: A Lesser Yellowlegs in Somerset Co., Maryland (7/20/2008).

Above and below: This is an adult bird molting into nonbreeding plumage. Note the fresh gray feathers coming in amongst the brown and black feathers. This complete molt begins on the breeding grounds in July, but is suspended during fall migration and completed on the wintering grounds (O'Brien et al., 2006).

Below: A closer view to show plumage details.

Below: Close-up of a Great Egret after an unsuccessful lunge for a sushi lunch (Somerset Co., Maryland, 7/20/2005).

Below: A funky-looking Seaside Sparrow in Somerset Co., Maryland (7/20/2008).

Above and below: At first I thought it was a juvenile, but it was singing boldy and persistently from exposed perches like this one. I then thought it might be in heavy molt, but now I'm thinking its feathers look odd after a recent bath to cool off (Somerset Co., Maryland, 7/20/2008).

Below: A Red-tailed Hawk perches patiently by the roadside in Somerset Co., Maryland (7/20/2008).

Below: A Northern Mockingbird does his best Don Quixote impression (Somerset Co., Maryland, 7/20/2008).

Below three: Photos of a molting adult Western Sandpiper through the heat shimmer on a mud flat at Rumbly Point. Note the longer bill, larger size, and plumage differences compared to the nearby Least Sandpiper (7/20/2008). The heat shimmer in these photos really helps portray the miserable humidity of this outing. Just add cruel biting flies and the experience would be complete.

Below four: Eastern Willets foraging around the flats at Rumbly Point, Somerset Co., Maryland (7/20/2008).

Below: A handful of recent additions from "mining" old folders.
A Willow Flycatcher in Frederick Co., Maryland (5/20/2007).

Below: A Glossy Ibis at Swan Creek in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/24/2007).

Below: A Sika Deer (technically, Elk) poses on Assateague Island, probably in response to the crinkling of a plastic wrapper (2005).

Below: A very recently fledged American Robin near Fort Smallwood, Maryland (5/19/2007).

Below: A Pink Lady's Slipper, a native orchid species, blooming in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (5/6/2007).

Below: An American Oystercatcher at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (12/9/2005).

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