New Additions
January in Maryland. Last updated: 1/18/2014.
Above and below: A Western Tanager in Worcester Co., Maryland (12/30/2014). Found by Jen Elmer.
Below: A Western Kingbird in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/1/2014). Found by Winger West during the Ocean City CBC (12/28/2013).
Below: A Grasshopper Sparrow in Worcester Co., Maryland (1/1/2014). Very rare in Maryland in winter. Found by George Armistead during the Ocean City CBC (12/28/2013).
Below: A Snowy Owl continues on the Bay Bridge in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (12/7/2013).
Below: A drake American Wigeon in Patterson Park, Baltimore, Maryland (12/2/2013).
Below: A Peregrine Falcon in Harford Co., Maryland (12/20/2013).
Below: A "Northern" Red-tailed Hawk in Harford Co., Maryland (12/20/2013).
Below: A Snowy Owl in Frederick Co., Maryland (12/19/2013).
Below: A Knab's Leaf Beetle in Garrett Co., Maryland (6/9/2013). Determined by S. M. Clark. (View MBP)
Below: Devil's Walkingstick berries hosting a female Black-throated Blue Warbler in Somerset Co., Maryland (10/11/2010). (View MBP)
Below: Broad-leaved Cattails in Carroll Co., Maryland (12/7/2013). (View MBP)
Below: Common Buttonbush in winter in Carroll Co., Maryland (12/7/2013). (View MBP)
Below: Dried sporophyll of Sensitive Fern in Carroll Co., Maryland (12/7/2013). (View MBP)
Below: Seedbox in winter in Carroll Co., Maryland (12/7/2013). (View MBP)
Below: The trunk of a Honeylocust in Baltimore Co., Maryland (12/2/2013). (View MBP)
Below: An adult male Yellow-headed Blackbird in St. Mary's Co., Maryland (10/17/2010). Found by Patty Craig. (View MBP)
Below: An adult male Yellow-headed Blackbird in St. Mary's Co., Maryland (10/17/2010). Found by Patty Craig. (View MBP)