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Late July in Maryland. Last updated: 8/4/2011.

A continuing male Dickcissel in Montgomery Co., Maryland (7/17/2011). Found by Clive Harris. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Above: A continuing male Dickcissel in Montgomery Co., Maryland (7/17/2011). Found by Clive Harris.
Below: A female Dickcissel in Calvert Co, Maryland (7/17/2011). Likely nesters found here by Joel Martin.

A female Dickcissel in Calvert Co, Maryland (7/17/2011). Likely nesters found here by Joel Martin.  Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Vesper Sparrow gets in the way of my photographing a Dickcissel in Montgomery Co., Maryland (7/17/2011).
I can live with such distractions.

A Vesper Sparrow gets in the way of my photographing a Dickcissel in Montgomery Co., Maryland (7/17/2011). <br />I can live with such distractions. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Two Stilt Sandpipers at Swan Creek in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/22/2011).

Two Stilt Sandpipers at Swan Creek in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/22/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Two Stilt Sandpipers at Swan Creek in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/22/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Glossy Ibis arrives at the pond at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011).

A Glossy Ibis arrives at the pond at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Western Sandpipers among other peeps at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/20/2011). We counted a total of 37 on this date.

Western Sandpipers among other peeps at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/20/2011). We counted a total of 37 on this date. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Western Sandpipers among other peeps at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/20/2011). We counted a total of 37 on this date. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A juvenile Spotted Sandpiper at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/13/2011).

A juvenile Spotted Sandpiper at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/13/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Saltmarsh Skippers at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011).

Saltmarsh Skippers at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Saltmarsh Skippers at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: I spent a long vigil with Tom Feild and Ed Carlson hoping to refind the male Dickcissel found by Rob and Mike Ostrowski in Charles Co. During our second visit, the bird suddenly appeared and spent several minutes skulking around and chipping quietly. We realized it was waiting for us to leave before visiting its nest, so we moved on. I was lucky enough to land this photo of this tailless bird with a lunch of katydid.

I spent a long vigil with Tom Feild and Ed Carlson hoping to refind the male Dickcissel found by Rob and Mike Ostrowski in Charles Co. During our second visit, the bird suddenly appeared and spent several minutes skulking around and chipping quietly. We realized it was waiting for us to leave before visiting its nest, so we moved on. I was lucky enough to land this photo of this tailless bird with a lunch of katydid.  Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A continuing, cooperative Dickcissel at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011).

A continuing, cooperative Dickcissel at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A continuing, cooperative Dickcissel at Vaughn North, Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Documentation shot of two Black Skimmers found at Swan Creek, Maryland by Elaine Hendricks and Ed Boyd (7/26/2011). Quite rare away from Worcester Co., this was my first record for the western shore of Maryland. (Digiscoped with Canon Powershot)

Documentation shot of two Black Skimmers found at Swan Creek, Maryland by Elaine Hendricks and Ed Boyd (7/26/2011). Quite rare away from Worcester Co., this was my first record for the western shore of Maryland. (Digiscoped with Canon Powershot) Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: Documentation of a rare adult Baird's Sandpiper at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/29/2011). This is one of few documented records of an adult Baird's in Maryland. The vast majority of Baird's observed in our region are juveniles. (Digiscoped)

Documentation of a rare <em>adult</em> Baird's Sandpiper at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/29/2011). This is one of few documented records of an adult Baird's in Maryland. The vast majority of Baird's observed in our region are juveniles. (Digiscoped) Photo by Bill Hubick.

Documentation of a rare <em>adult</em> Baird's Sandpiper at Swan Creek, Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/29/2011). This is one of few documented records of an adult Baird's in Maryland. The vast majority of Baird's observed in our region are juveniles. (Digiscoped) Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An Assateague ranger prepares to breaks up a pony party on the beach before some kid gets an ear bitten off - entertainment during a sea watch that provided Black Tern, Whimbrel, and Wilson's Storm-Petrels. (7/23/2011).

An Assateague ranger prepares to breaks up a pony party on the beach before some kid gets an ear bitten off - entertainment during a sea watch that provided Black Tern, Whimbrel, and Wilson's Storm-Petrels. (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An Atlantic Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) in coastal Worcester Co., Maryland (7/22/2011). We convinced Mikey Lutmerding to try to touch it, and the crab's pinching speed was remarkable. Unfortunately Mikey was just quick enough to escape and our laughs were controllable. So close.

An Atlantic Blue Crab (<em>Callinectes sapidus</em>) in coastal Worcester Co., Maryland (7/22/2011). We convinced Mikey Lutmerding to try to touch it, and the crab's pinching speed was remarkable. Unfortunately Mikey was just quick enough to escape and our laughs were controllable. So close. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Fiery Skipper in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011).

A Fiery Skipper in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Green Treefrog in coastal Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011).

A Green Treefrog in coastal Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Royal Tern at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (7/23/2011).

A Royal Tern at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: An immature Little Blue Heron in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Note the dusky wingtips, especially in the second image - sometimes a handy field mark.

An immature Little Blue Heron in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Note the dusky wingtips, especially in the second image - sometimes a handy field mark. Photo by Bill Hubick.

An immature Little Blue Heron in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Note the dusky wingtips, especially in the second image - sometimes a handy field mark. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Punctured Tiger Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/29/2011).

A Punctured Tiger Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/29/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A Punctured Tiger Beetle in Anne Arundel Co., Maryland (7/29/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A female Seaside Dragonlet in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011).

A female Seaside Dragonlet in Worcester Co., Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: One of 12 Wilson's Storm-Petrels easily observed from shore at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (7/23/2011).

One of 12 Wilson's Storm-Petrels easily observed from shore at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A Wilson's Storm-Petrel poses with Kenny Powers.

A Wilson's Storm-Petrel poses with Kenny Powers. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: This adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was a nice find from a morning of shorebird and wader study between Truitt's and Vaughn North (7/23/2011). This was my first adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron on the Eastern Shore.

This adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was a nice find from a morning of shorebird and wader study between Truitt's and Vaughn North (7/23/2011). This was my first adult
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron on the Eastern Shore. Photo by Bill Hubick.

This adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was a nice find from a morning of shorebird and wader study between Truitt's and Vaughn North (7/23/2011). This was my first adult
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron on the Eastern Shore. Photo by Bill Hubick.

This adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was a nice find from a morning of shorebird and wader study between Truitt's and Vaughn North (7/23/2011). This was my first adult
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron on the Eastern Shore. Photo by Bill Hubick.

Below: A juvenile Laughing Gull at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (7/23/2011).

A juvenile Laughing Gull at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A juvenile Laughing Gull at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

A juvenile Laughing Gull at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (7/23/2011). Photo by Bill Hubick.

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