New Additions
February in Maryland. Last updated: 2/26/2012.
Above and below: Canvasbacks in Dorchester Co., Maryland (2/19/2012).
Below: A drake Redhead among Canvasbacks in Dorchester Co., Maryland (2/19/2012).
Below: The American White Pelican continues at Deal Island, Maryland. Found by Ron Gutberlet on 2/2/2012.
Below: A distant documentation photo of a Common Teal (Eurasian Green-winged Teal) found by Mikey Lutmerding at West Ocean City Pond, Maryland (2/25/2012). While chasing this bird, I picked out an intergrade Green-winged Teal x Common Teal, and the following morning, Matt Hafner confirmed two (!!) Common Teal here.
Below: An American Wigeon in Worcester Co., Maryland (2/19/2012). Female Gadwall in background.
Below: American Wigeon in Dorchester Co., Maryland (2/19/2012).
Below: A Snowy Egret wintering at Deal Island, Maryland (2/25/2012). Not detected in winter in Maryland every year.
Below: Great Egrets in flight over Deal Island, Maryland (2/25/2012). Rare in winter, but more regular than Snowy Egret.
Below: A Rusty Blackbird at Fort Smallwood, Maryland (2/17/2012).
Below: A Pine Warbler in Somerset Co., Maryland (2/25/2012) - my first in February.
Below: A hen Lesser Scaup in Dorchester Co., Maryland (2/19/2012).
Below: Ring-billed Gulls at dusk at the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (2/25/2012).
Below: My best photos of Maryland's first Virginia's Warbler, found by Jim Stasz and Ed Boyd. A truly amazing record and a maddeningly difficult bird to see and photograph!
Below: From the archives - a singing Acadian Flycatcher in the Nassawango area of Wicomico, Maryland (5/11/2011).
Below: American Black Duck x Mallard hybrid at Bombay Hook, Delaware (3/2/2008).
Below: Rufous Hummingbird in Harwood, Maryland (11/19/2011). First county record for Anne Arundel. Many thanks to the homeowner for the hospitality to us and to the bird.
Below: A cooperative Boat-tailed Grackle in beautiful light at Deal Island, Maryland (2/25/2012).