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Autumn in Maryland. Last updated: 10/26/2006

Above and below: An early Snow Bunting found by Joel Martin at Southwest Area Park (SWAP) in Baltimore Co., Maryland (10/26/2006).

Below three: Also found by Joel was this attractive migrant Vesper Sparrow (SWAP, 10/26/2006). Nice finds, Joel--thanks!

Below three: An adult Lark Sparrow on Assateague Island, Worcester Co., Maryland (10/22/2006). This beautiful western sparrow is rare but almost certainly annual on the island. Mark Hoffman found this bird - his third for the year - and stayed on it until we could arrive to see it. Thanks, Mark!

Below: A first-winter Franklin's Gull in Dorchester Co., Maryland (10/22/2006). This diminutive bird, which was quickly spotted by Jim Stasz, appears to be a different bird than we've recently seen here. Note the nice comparison, especially structurally, with the Laughing Gull at back.

Below: Yes, the beautiful pig farm. There's no end to the weird places you can find birds! Laughing Gulls in foreground. Dorchester Co., Maryland (10/22/2006).

Below: Several of the thousands of Myrtle Warblers that have recently arrived on Assateague Island (10/22/2006).

Below: Feeding on the energy-rich fruit of the Northern Bayberry allows Myrtle Warblers - and other species such as Tree Swallows - to winter further north than relatives that insist on bugs and bugs alone.

Below three: A migrant Blue-headed Vireo on Assateague Island, Worcester Co., Maryland (10/22/2006).

Below two: A Field Sparrow on Assateague Island, Worcester Co., Maryland (10/22/2006).

Below: One of about 40 Variegated Fritillaries I noted at Tuckahoe SP, Caroline Co., Maryland (10/21/2006). At least one pair was mating along a hedgerow, and others flew off as I took every other step.

Below two: This albino Ring-billed Gull was another very interesting find at the pig farm in Dorchester Co., Maryland (10/22/2006).

Below: A female House Finch at Horsehead Wetlands, Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (10/21/2006).

Below: A Hermit Thrush at Tuckahoe SP, Caroline Co., Maryland (10/21/2006).

Below: A resting Eared Grebe among Ruddy Ducks and shovelers in Easton, Talbot Co., Maryland (10/22/2006).

Below: A Nashville Warbler at Middle Patuxent Environmental Area, Howard Co., Maryland (10/10/2006).

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