New Additions
Rio Grande Valley with Mike Ostrowski. Last updated: 6/10/2015.
Below: An Elf Owl silhouetted against the full moon in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Tropical Parula at Anzalduas Park in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Silver Emperor in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: Plain Chachalacas bonding and proclaiming their domain in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: Blue Spiny Lizards (Sceloporus cyanogenys) in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: Honey Mesquite - one of the most widespread and conspicuous trees in the Rio Grande Valley.
Below: A Banded Peacock in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Gulf Fritillary caterpillar in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Brown-crested Flycatcher in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Great Pondhawk in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Couch's Kingbird at Santa Ana NWR, Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Verdin at Santa Ana NWR, Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Common Mestra at Santa Ana NWR, Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: An Eastern Cottontail in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A male Lesser Goldfinch at Santa Ana NWR, Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A female Lesser Goldfinch at Santa Ana NWR, Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Rainpool Spreadwing in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A juvenile Plain Chachalaca in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: Plain Chachalacas greeting the dawn in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Texas Powdered-Skipper in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Dusky Blue Groundstreak in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Queen in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Fiery Skipper in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Two-barred Flasher in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Gulf Fritillary in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A female Common Green Darner in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Green Jay in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/1/2015).
Below: A Least Grebe in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: A Greater Roadrunner in Hidalgo Co., Texas (6/2/2015).
Below: Quick! How fast can you ID soaring things over south Texas?