New Additions
Nesting season in Maryland. Last updated: 6/20/2010.
Above: A Stinkpot, or Musk Turtle, at Tuckahoe State Park, Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: Purple Martins at Chino Farms, Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: A Black-billed Cuckoo found by Dan Small on Chino Farms, Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: A Blue Dasher at Tuckahoe State Park, Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: A Kentucky Warbler in Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/12/2010).
Below: A Northern Pearly-Eye in Montgomery Co., Maryland (6/12/2010).
Below: An aberrant American Robin feeding in a field in Kent Co., Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: This Eastern Wood-Pewee spent the late afternoon hunting from a fence line in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: A small Eastern Spadefoot Toad found along a trail at Chino Farms, Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: A Tree Swallow scans for breakfast on the wing at Chino Farms, Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: An American Robin at dusk in Queen Anne's Co., Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: A Variegated Fritillary at Chino Farms, Maryland (6/19/2010).
Below: An Eastern Bluebird at Chino Farms, Maryland (6/19/2010).
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