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Exploring Garrett County, Maryland with Zach Baer, Jim Brighton, Mike Burchett, Hans Holbrook, and Jim Stasz.
Last updated: 6/30/2006

Above and below: Baltimore Checkerspots--Maryland's beautiful and increasingly uncommon state butterfly--at Finzel Swamp, Garret Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A male Spatterdock Darner in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: An Eastern Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum) in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A Delta-spotted Spiketail in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: One of many Calico Pennants just emerging from their larval state at Finzel Swamp, Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A European Skipper awaits the warm rays of morning sun to dry and warm its dew-covered body (7/1/2006).

Below: Yes, this is a real moth! A Rosy Maple Moth in western West Virginia (7/1/2006).

Below: A Seal Salamander in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: Sable Clubtails at two locations in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1 and 7/2/2006).

Below: A female Canada Warbler in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: A Stream Cruiser along the Youghiogheny River in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A Violet (Variable) Dancer at Finzel Swamp in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: Spittlebug in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006). What's a spittlebug?

Below: A Red Eft on the move in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006). Red-spotted (Eastern) Newts have three life stages: aquatic larva, terrestrial adult (red eft), and aquatic adult. Water, land, and back to water.

Below: Prince Baskettail at Mount Nebo WMA in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: A dobsonfly in western West Virginia (7/1/2006).

Below: A Northern Pearly-eye at Mount Nebo WMA in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: A very worn Harris's Checkerspot in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A close-up view of the common Eastern Amberwing in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A gorgeous Long-tailed Salamander in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A Dot-tailed Whiteface at Finzel Swamp in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: An American Emerald at Finzel Swamp in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: Male and female Clamp-tipped Emeralds (respectively) in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: Lovely ground cover at a cranberry bog in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: Hagen's Bluets in "wheel" at Finzel Swamp in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006). The male, at top-left, clasps the female behind the head while she reaches up to receive the packet that will fertilize her eggs. The male will often hold and dip the female while she lays her eggs in the water (ovipositing), or fly above and guard her while she oviposits.

Below: A Northern Dusky Salamander (Desmognathus fuscus) in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A Mountain Dusky Salamander (Desmognathus ochrophaeus) in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A tiny Sedge Sprite at Mount Nebo WMA in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: Hans Holbrook demonstrates some fancy footwork.

Below: Silvery Checkerspots were very common along the Youghiogheny River ("The Yog") in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A Slender Spreadwing at Mount Nebo WMA in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: A Southern Pygmy Clubtail in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: A Smooth Green Snake in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

Below: A Swamp Spreadwing at Finzel Swamp in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/1/2006).

Below: A Unicorn Clubtail at Mount Nebo WMA in Garrett Co., Maryland (7/2/2006).

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